Skipper’s Box of Pain v3.0

Event Date

Jun 24, 2017


6 Men and 1 Future FIA? appeared from the warm, muggy gloom to see why so few have actually finished a Skipper workout.  Here's why:

Warm up:

20 SSH

10 Tony Hawks

10 Apollo OH NOs

10 Windmills

Mosey to the back, 1 block per partner

Partner Block Run to the Clubhouse

Box of Pain Round 1:

1 Partner runs around the tennis courts w/ block in tote while other performs below exercise around Skipper's imaginary "box" made of cones on the pavement until ALL arrive back, then swap:

Bear Crawl

Crab Walk

Inch Worm

Partner Block Run to Sailview Fountain Play Yard

Box of Pain Round 2:

1 partner runs around block island (the island with the fountain that is still not working – jeeves)  while others perform below exercise around the cones again, swap partners:

Frog Jumps

SOOO much whining, that YHC calls it short and directs PAX back to the AO

Return blocks

Back Playground Fun:

Partner 1: Flexed-Arm Hold until failure on monkey bars (Hold the top portion of a pull-up)

Partner 2: LBCs

SWAP – 2 Rounds

Partner 1: Hanging Knee-Ups to chest to failure on monkey bars

Partner 2: LBCs

SWAP – 2 Rounds

Q then moves to one side of the monkey bars and tells PAX that in order to "Get To" Mary, we must traverse the monkey bars to get to the other side.  YHC makes it safely across.  The next few minutes consists of much thrashing and cursing as each PAX member fails miserably to make it across.  Vortex had the best dismount, but in the end, this ultimately confirmed why SVU never does a mud run. 


10 WWI

10 Wind Shield Wipers

:45 Mason Twist



My main message today was about safety.  Safety in the car, on a run, at F3, at work, at play at ANYTHING.  All too often we take the "it will never happen" stance.  Small things turn into BIG things quickly.  This week brought us fresh perspective on the perils that can come out of nowhere, and that who's to blame really doesn't matter in the end.  From what I've heard Cheech was doing "most" things right, and the driver was also doing "most" things right.  Well, "most" is a C+ on a test, but "most" can mean life or death when it comes to safety.  Take a time out.  Refresh your safety gear.  If your  reflective vest is worn out, get a new one.  Get and WEAR a headlamp.  Run in Groups.  Cross in crosswalks.  Cross only when you have a Red light from cross traffic.  Run against traffic flow.  If in doubt that the driver sees you, hit the ditch.  Call-Out "Car UP"  or "Car Back" to alert others, its easy to space out.  When driving, stop texting.  Stop checking Facebook, Slack, Twitter, whatever.  Keep perspective. Driving is for most of us, the most dangerous thing we'll do all day.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to all involved with this unfortunate accident.  What we do carries inherent risks, and we owe it to each other to hold ourselves accountable.  It has been awesome to see the F3 family come together and support the family and friends as we always do.  Stay safe out there.


*The record stands, still no Mustangers have completed a Skipper Q

*Sophia, Metro's 2.0 and future FIA, calls out Vortex twice on his execution of the Box of Pain.  I believe it was: "Hey, he just cut the corner, and then "He's not doing anything!" Lol, no filter at that age.

*LOTS of complaining today.  Felt like another AO.  Rhymes with Mustang.  Maybe it was the humidity

*We will definitely be doing the Flexed Arm Hang and Monkey Bars again.  Epic Fail.

*Dandelion brings fresh perspective at the AO, when he asks if anyone else thinks that a certain tree's leaves would make the perfect natural toilet paper.  Wow.

*Mulligan held a heated debate w/ YHC on whether a rectangle constituted a "box".

*Retread stepped-up and offered-up his house to host a 2nd/3rd F event sometime soon.  Probably more details over the coming weeks.  We've done some of this in the past and its had good impact.  IF interested please reach-out to Retread.  Retread, please keep us in the loop with any more ideas on how to make it happen.  3rd F is something that we have to be intentional about.

*As always, it was an honor to lead and be led by you gentlemen

Stay safe, stay accountable.