Skipper’s Clubhouse of PAIN

Event Date

Apr 21, 2018


8 men came out to Skipper's Clubhouse of PAIN:

Warm Up:


10 IC Tony Hawks


10 IC Windmills

Indian Run to Clubhouse (Last man drops for 3 Merkins-Sprints to the front)

Partner Up

Round 1:

Partner 1 Runs around the clubhouse; 2: Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear (2 Times)

Round 2:

P1: Repeat Run; 2: InchMERKINworms (2 Times)

Round 3:

P1: Repeat Run; 2: BurpeeLongJumps (2 Times)

Mosey to Tennis Court Hill

P1: Dragon Walks the Hill; P2: Rock Curls (2 Times)

Mosey to front; then Indian Run back to the Front Lot

2 Minutes of No-Handed Get-Ups

Mosey back to Ao



20 IC Freddies

10 IC Box Cutters

10 IC Windshield Wipers

:30 Mason Twist


FAILURE.  What does it mean to you?  What does it mean to the next man?  The Boston Marathon was horrid this year.  38 degrees, 25MPH winds, driving rain.  Only 60% of the elite field finished the race.  90% of the non-elites did.  Do each of us hold varying levels of failure appetite?  What if we never did anything that included a chance of failure?  It's OK to fail.    It is how we learn.  It is how we grow.  It is amazing to me how many angles this took for me this week.  Did the racers who tried to finish but didn't fail MORE than those who didn't even toe the line because they knew failure was inevitable?  Through him failure is ok, because we know he will still love us and support us.  Failure should be more acceptable to our society.  It means we are trying for more than our bodies can handle and our mind can fathom.  

Burnt Moleskin:

 – Lightbulb brings in an FNG.  David.  (I think, man I am awful with names) He is the new pastor at Unity Presby here in town and was the first one to arrive at the AO.  He used to live in Seattle (12th man) and is a Pastor (12 Apostles) so we deem thee Twelve.  He will ultimately reside in the Cowans Ford area, so he'll be coming your way Mustang.  To which Lightbulb quickly commented that SVU will build you up so that you can quickly atrophy at Mustang.  

 – Always great to see Anvil.  Dude throws down everything he's got in everything he does.  A true example of heart.

 – Cheetah is scared of Donkey Kicks

 – Dandelion had a Philly Cheese Steak and Onion Rings last night from the Landing.  So did we.

 – Metrodog cruises into the AO at about 7:05 and hangs back with Lightbulb who is nursing his bad ankle.  It was great coming back and seeing Lightbulb swinging the sledgehammer and using a mitre saw.

 – Shredder was talking so much we had to settle him down a few times.  He must like us though because he keeps coming back for more!

 – Honor to lead and be led by you today gentlemen.