Skipper’s Cul De Suck

Event Date

Jun 30, 2018


Only 5 men in Denver had the confidence that they could complete a Skipper Q, and boy did they deliver.

0700 – We started on time because there was NO DANDELION.


20 IC Seal Jacks

20 IC 2-Point Planks

10 IC Windmills

10 IC Toy Soldiers

Arm Circles

Head to the back.

MAX Pull Ups

Partner Up-One Block per team

Block Mosey to the first Cul de Suck (CDS) on Rustling Woods

Crawl Bear down the CDS; Bear Crawl Up-Teardrop style

Block Mosey to next CDS

1 does Lunge Walks to the top of the hill of the CDS; Other does Block Squats

Block Mosey

1 does CDS Run; other does Block Curls

Block Mosey

1 does CDS run other does Skull Crushers

Block Mosey

1 does CDS Run; other does Block Merkin Crosses

Block Mosey

Repeato on Teardrop Crawl Bear/Bear Crawl of CDS but w/ 10 SSH at the bottom for a shoulder "rest"

Block Mosey to Front Field

2-Minutes of Burpees

Block Mosey to Back Play Ground-Return Blocks


 – MAX Hanging Toe Touches from the Monkey Bars

 – MAX Hanging Knee-Ups from the Monkey Bars


The Power of Positivity.  The Power of Negativity.  Which one is more powerful?  Which one is more prevalent is probably the better question.  You can find Negativity ANYWHERE.  It is in our media.  It is in our friend groups. In our families.  Even in our churches.  You don't have to look very hard to find it.  And it doesn't take too long until you are drinking the punch.  Don't we all have the one person in our lives that always seems happy?  Their dog just died, yet they are smiling.  What do they have that I don't?  A positive outlook.  A God they can turn to in order to put it all into perspective.  Life sucks sometimes.  It really can.  This world is hard. It really is.  And wearing a smile all the time is not going to make us overcome negativity, but it is a start.  It's a first step.  It is a mindset to develop.  A culture we can create in the people around you.  The power of positivity is more powerful.  It has to be.  Because it is so hard to develop and sustain.  Something that hard to achieve must be powerful.  And it is.  Support your brothers, lend an ear, be that positivity they need.  


 – A lot of men on the road, etc. today, that, Or less and less men think they can finish a Skipper Q

 – BIG time 2nd F event tonight.  I doubt C# even slept last night

 – Anvil, Cheetah and a few others did IronMan Type things BEFORE the workout.  Beastly.

 – Anvil LOVES hanging toe touches; and apparently Anvils are not very bouyant

 – MUCH discussion around whether or not a full bladder can become LESS full if you are sweating a lot. 

 – I added some SSH at the bottom of the last cul de suck to give everyone a shoulder rest.  Man I am getting soft.

 – Where was MetroDog?  He usually LOVES BearCrawls.

 – Theuss is Killing it lately.  Did some pre-running, think his whole family ran to Governors Island and back today

 – Good to see Retread.  Great coffeeteria afterwards.  Even though it was ONLY SVU w/ YHC, GW and Retread. (Mustang was probably at Chic Fil A/Everest/Westport/Cook Out/McDonalds/BurgerKing)

 – Man it is HOT out there.  Much sweat and Theuss did his best Vortex/Abrams impression with his sweat river.

 – Pleasure leading and being led by you HIM.  Go be POSITIVE!