Sky’s Out, Thighs Out w a Little Sun’s Out, Guns Out at BRP

Event Date

May 28, 2016


8 PAX total (including Dirte) for a stroll around BRP trying to hit all the muscle groups.

Prior to warm-o-rama, PAX mosey'd around the park using the trail and ended at the top parking lot. From there we jumped into a few stretch exercises and finished with a crowd pleaser of 50 Low-Flutters IC. Trying to set the tone for the rest of the workout, we mosey'd over to the concession building. Immediately began a 3x rotation of People's Chair and Dips. About to exit the area when Hippie requests another PC. YHC, of course, obliged. It's only fair to honor PAX requests.

The sky was out and our legs were nice and warm at this point. Time for the arms. Mosey to the parking lot and line up on the curb for Wheel of 'Mericans. Start with Incline 'Merican x 10 IC, followed by 15 LBCs IC. Then Left Arm on Curb 'Mericans followed, by more LBCs. Then Right Arm on Curb 'Mericans followed by even more LBCs. End with Decline 'Merican and last set of LBCs.

PAX then mosey'd down to the back of the soccer fields to grab a rock. Moses decided it was in his best interest to grab a road contstruction concrete barrier… ummmm? Zamperini to the hill behind utilities to complete a couple ladders. First ladder to 12 included Curls at the bottom (10 OYO) and Squats w/ rock at the top (2 OYO). Then 8/4, 6/6, etc. Next ladder to 12 included Skull Crusher at the bottom, and WWII sit-up at the top. Same count as previous ladder. Next ladder was completed without the hill and while on the 6. First exercise was Low Flutter w/ rock x 20 IC, then Chest Press x 5 IC. At this point, the Moses foundation rock was taking its toll. Enough with the rocks. Zamperini back to pile and toss them aside. 

Heat and humidity plus late night was really getting to YHC but the show had to continue. The MEN of Isotope had come for the entertainment and we pushed forward. Mosey back around the trail to the parking lot. Since it is rated as one of the best exercises for runners, PAX Bear Crawled from speed bump to speed bump. Then Side Lunge back to original speed bump. Final mosey back to launch point and we ended with some PAX led exercises during Mary. Last exercise of the day, 1min plank in honor of those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. 




A great group of Men for this workout. Good MumbleChatter along the way for sure. Can't imagine starting a weekend any better than in the Gloom with you all. Thanks Moses for taking us out.

Mental note for YHC, never ask Dirte to lead a Mary exercise. 10 Burpees is uncalled for!!! Aside from that, he killed the workout and his transformation the past few months is inspirational. Keep up the good work. Oh, and sign up to Q!

Thanks to all PAX for the support you provide not only to me, but all our brothers. It is the brotherhood and challenge from each of you that keeps me engaged and posting each week. The workout is just an added benefit.