Slam Bellz

Event Date

May 25, 2018

Preface:  Beautiful Morning and 10 PAX Showed up to get sweaty.  Since it has been Lazy Q's days all this week at Mustang, the workout plan was minimal but effective especially after most of the PAX and Q had brewskies last night at Joey's 2nd F.  Spork and Miranda did make it out of bed and showed up before the warmups were complete – T-Claps.

Warmup: (warm up music to SLAM by ONYX)

  • Hug Yourself
  • Arm Circles
  • MTN Climbers – 15 IC
  • SSH's – 20 IC
  • Merican – 10 IC
  • Warm up jog around parking lot and school and back to launch pad  (Q gets a little hazed by the running on school bellz day but Hefty says I still have a chance to turn it around)

The Thang: (work out music – 90's hip hop music provided by Amazon: Biggie, Warren G, Vanilla Ice, Snoop Dogg, Dre, etc)

  • Round 1
    • One individual uses 15 LB Slam Ball and does over head slams 15 times while PAX does the KB exercise of choice of individual with the SLAM Ball, each PAX member had 1 turn with SLAM Ball.
  • Round 2
    • One individual does wall throws on concession stand brick wall 15 times with SLAM Ball while PAX does the KB exercise of choice of individual with the SLAM ball, each PAX member had 1 turn with SLAM Ball.
  • Round 3
    • One PAX does over head side throws with SLAM Ball to work obliques 10 times, while PAX does the KB exercise of choice of individual with the SLAM ball.  We ran out of time before everyone had a turn at the SLAM Ball on this round but I think 8 of 10 individuals completed this circuit.


Looking for that Bleessed hope… – Titus 2:13

One of the best wasy to get rid of discouragement is to remember that Christ is coming again.  The most thrilling, glorious truth in all the world is the Second Coming fo Jesus Christ.  When we look around and see pessimism on every side, we should remember that the Bible is the only Book in the world that predicts the future.  The Bible is more modern than tomorrow morning's newspaper.
