Slam Bellz

Event Date

Jun 26, 2020


Monkey Humpers = 10 IC

Windmills = 10 IC

Copperhead Squats = 10 IC

Cotton Pickers = 10 IC

Arm Circles forward

Arm Circles reverse

Hug Yourself

Mosey half parking lot lap


The Thang:

Mosey to Gym entrance for:

Watch Breakers left arm = 15 OYO

Watch Breakers right arm = 15 OYO

Curls left arm = 15 OYO

Curls right arm = 15 OYO

Skull Crushers = 15 OYO

Step-Ups on bench with KB left leg= 15 OYO

Step-Ups on bench with KB right leg = 15 OYO

Dips on bench = 15 OYO

Decline Merkins on bench = 15 OYO

Chest Press on your 6 with KB = 15 OYO

Sit-Ups with KB = 15 OYO

Plank Rows left arm = 15 OYO

Plank Rows right arm = 15 OYO

PAX alternate turns doing 10 slam-ball burpees

Wall sit while doing 21’s with KB curls

Lunge Walk to parking lot, then 15 squats with KB




5 more with KB for a series of: curls, dead lifts, overhead press, skull crushers, squats and swings.



American Hammers with KB = 10 IC

LBC’s with KB = 10 IC

ABC’s Letters A-I



Each of us has different views and opinions regarding the recent protests and the issues surrounding them. However, we are all required to forgive others for their actions.

Ephesians 4:31&32 “ Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgave you.”



A slimmed-down version of P-Funk beat the fart sack and made it to a Friday beatdown. However, he forgot Friday’s are for KB’s and was forced to use a block graciously provided by Shaker.

Mysterion returns from his beach trip sporting a freaking awesome new tank! *aw-yeah*

Tickle has the LD on all things related to executive orders issued by our distinguished governor. *facepalm*

Finkle was extremely careful not to scratch his recently purchased KB.

Sparrow respectfully declined the decline merkins.

Shaker started is beach weekend off the right way; pumped and swole, jacked and tan! FYI – Shaker is in the market for a KB so hit him up if you have one laying around (Jeeves).

Great to see Scope back at it again! However, he accidently grabbed his M’s 15lb KB this morning. Keep at it Sir, soon you’ll be back on the 25!

Tomorrow is 2.0 day at Mustang so plan to have some C# fun tomorrow with your kids. 5:30AM run followed by swim option at SVU beforehand. Coffee location TBD followed by some yardwork for Susan (Cabellas). Hope to see you all tomorrow.

Make it a great day!
