Slam circuit

Slam Circuit 

Simple Plan, minimum instructions

11 movements = 1 cycle


Full curls 

High Pulls

Bottom up Press

Russian twist

Figure 8’s

Overhead press

50 lbs Dead lifts

Medicine ball extensions

Bucket carry

Farmer carry

Cardio Lap +1

Got through almost 3 cycle. No Breaks 

Slam Mary 

10-Slams per pax

Pax called Mary  till time

Today was all about You vs You. Goal was 15-20 reps per movement. 

Great Work today. Spring finally felt like Spring. 

Alot of Good 2nd today. 

Apparently at some point in life,a Pax had remember they involuntarily fell asleep facing a tire. Amazing how smell with trigger suppressed memories. 

Always a good idea to have insurance for you cellphone if you Q for The Count.

As alway , an Honor to Lead Men of F3 





