Slay your own Dragon at GCC if you Dare !

Old Testament (14) (2.0 of Over Budget) not on website. 

23 Dragon Slayers took a chance on better fitness at GCC.  58 temp and 85% humidity made conditions just right for certain Pain.  This is what happened……….


SSH x 30 IC, Windmill x 10 IC, IST x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, Toy Soldier x 10 IC


Curls x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC, Skull Crusher x 10 IC, rocks down, run down to main GCC sign then loop around to head straight back to main lot, stop, 10 Mericans OYO, then back to rock buddies

Alt Lunges x 10 IC, Shoulder Press x 10 IC, LBCs x 20 IC, run, loop, 20 Mericans OYO, back to rocks

Curls x 10 IC, halt at 10, Curl Negatives starting at top with 3-2-1 down slow count (very effective), Squats x 15 IC, Skull Crushers x 15 IC, run, loop, 10 Scorpion Dry Docks OYO, back

Low Flutter x 20 IC, Alt Lunges x 10 IC, Shoulder Press x 15 IC, run, loop, 20 SDDs OYO, halt.

Chewed up a ton of valuable time.  Mosey thru left side of parking lot to exit drive.

Burpee Anchored Ladder:

3-6-9-12-15 Count Burpee Ladder

Run thru 3 islands to the main, middle drive to front of church, 3 Burpees, run back, 15 Air Squats OYO each time

6 Burpees, run back, 15 Air Squats, 9 Burpees – 15 Squats, 12 Burpees – 15 Squats,

Audible to eliminate the 15 Burpees due to time constraints (wink).  Ty Webb & YHC led some ab work while the Six came in.

Back to front of church for finishing MARY.


The Geek – Homer to Marge with Low Dolly kicker

Caboose – Pretzel Crunch

Old Testament – Mason Twist

YHC – Rosalita

Time – DONE !  Humidity grabbed the Pax attention quickly.

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Bam Bam for allowing me to lead at GCC !  Such a Warrior's Playground.  Many, many pain avenues can be taken.

2 – The Geek & Bricktop joined YHC for the Standard down the Fancy greenway to get the blood pumping.

3 – Few shear Beasts out there today, but Ty Webb's exercise-to-run transitions are so quick & smooth they're tough to match.  Boy works hard ! T-claps for leading most the workout.

4 – Periods of quiet time during the beatdown only makes me smile !  Must mean Pax enjoying themselves.

5 – Big group today & met some new guys including Wide Right.  Us Bills fans know what real pain is ha buddy !  Dang it Norwood, maybe it was that stupid looking, one-bar helmet that gave you the shanks !  Ok Breeeeeathe !

6 – Lord, please pray for the Men of F3 as we continue to grow into many states and areas of this great country.  Guide us to do good deeds as you see fit !  Amen.

Mayhem (in the AM)