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Sledding at Samson

Event Date

Jan 05, 2023


Well, it was a mistake to  anticipate a larger crowd.  Why on earth would a guy want to work out on a 45 degree morning with no rain in early January? Right? I mean surely he had better things to do at 05:30. Right? Not Snake Eyes and Bob Ross.  Good for you, gents, and thanks for posting!

We had the quickest disclaimer possible and then we moseyed around a jogging warm-o-rama.

Ending near the block pile, we each grabbed a block and circled for the standard warm-up exercises: SSH, Windmill, IST, Slow Squat, Plank Jack

Next we moved into the block work:

Block curls

Block Swings

Block ‘Mericans

Bent over rows

Sled the blocks down the lot to the cones

Take a mosey ‘round the big loop and go back to the block

Old-school sit-up

Slow Block Squat

Sled the blocks back up top

Block Curls

Block Swings

Block ‘Mericans

Bent-over rows

Shoulder shrug/calf raise combo

Sled the blocks back down to the cones

Take a mosey ‘round the big loop and go back to the block

Old-school sit-up

Block press

Slow Block Squat

Sled the block back up top

Block Curls

Block Swings


Bent-over rows

Shoulder-shrug/calf raise combo

Sled the blocks back down to the cones

Take a mosey ‘round the big loop and go back to the block

Old-school sit-up

Block press

Slow Block squat

Sled the block back up the hill 

2 quick pigeons and return the blocks

Mosey back to the launch for 2 MARY exercises:

Little baby extension and Alternating LBC


Naked Moleskin:

1. Thanks again Bob Ross and Snake Eyes for posting!  You guys killed it today!

2. Prayers for Bob Ross’ brother-in law for a full and speedy recovery

3. YHC intends to get to some other AOs this year.  Being a creature of habit, maybe it’ll do some good to venture out.  Suggesting all Pax do the same.  Let’s make it a great year, Gents.