Sledding in June

Event Date

Jun 18, 2024


Perfect morning for some sledding! Not too cold, just humid enough. It’s always great when a plan works out and just the right number of Pax show up – 4 groups of 2, just like I planned it. We moseyed up the bus lot where the sled was waiting. A quick technical note about sledding and anaerobic exercises I borrowed from the internet – “when you’re performing high intensity sled sprints your body is primarily using the anaerobic system which uses energy that is stored in our muscles. As opposed to aerobic activities which can be sustained for long periods of time, anaerobic activities can only be performed in bouts of about 10-15 seconds. Anaerobic activities like sled sprints are the best way to burn excess body fat and build or maintain muscle mass at the same time.” So yea, sledding is awesome. Helps you run faster, probably helps you ski better with all of that quad work, and it’s low impact which is good for our elder F3 statesmen.

Warmorama – the usual


  • 4 groups of 2 – 4 rotating stations – merkins/KB’s/slam balls/the sled
  • Sled team – first guy pushed, second guy strapped up and dragged the sled back – 120lbs loaded on the sled
  • Merkins/KB’s/slam balls – cap out at 15 reps at each station
  • 6 rounds completed 


  • Finished with just enough time for some slow LBC’s and low flutters. Recover recover.

Great work from everyone today. Sled isn’t easy, but everyone gave max effort. And as promised, the mumblechatter was kept to a minimum, hard to mumble when you can’t catch your breath. Now I just need one other guy to get a sled so we can have the ultimate sled workout – SLED RACES!

  • Thanks to Drebin for allowing me the chance to lead. Plenty of open slots on the Fallout calendar, go sign up!