Sleeping in felt good!

Event Date

Jun 29, 2018

Welcome FNG Ben Dunn.  Now he can say he's "Ben" there and "Dunn" that! (couldn't resist)

Amidst the hecklers, a challenger rose up and doubled down for the Foundry and The Hangover… Rooter was very impressive.  I don't think Kosar or YHC gave him enough though.

Warm Up

  • SSH 20 IC
  • CP 10 IC
  • WM 10 IC
  • Hillbillies 10 IC

The Thang

  • Pull Up ladder
    • 10 Pull Ups lap around first island then 1 Deep Squat
    • Reduce Pull Ups by one and increase Squats by 1 (down to 5 only)
  • Block Work
    • Curl 15 IC
    • Scull Crusher 15 IC
    • Bear Crawl to next island
    • Plank Jacks 15 IC
    • Bear Crawl back
    • Swings 20 OYO
    • Overhead Press 15 IC
    • Crab Walk to next island
    • 1/4 turn Squat Jumps
    • Crab Walk back
  • Stair Work up one side and back down the other
    • Quick Step
    • Right Leg
    • Left Leg
    • Bunny Hop
    • Lunge every other step
    • Repeato
  • Wall Work
    • People's Chair 30 Sec w/Air Press 15 IC
    • Balls 2 Wall w/Chicken Peckers 10 OYO (touch opposite shoulder)
  • Bench Work
    • Dipp 15 IC
    • Step Up 10 R/L Leg
    • Dipp 15 IC


  • Mary Suicides (thanks Bam Bam) 
    • Mason Twist 15 IC
    • Run to first island and back
    • Crunchy Frog 15 IC (Rooter)
    • Run to second island and back
    • Makhtar N'Diayes 20 IC (alternating from plank to elbow plank each arm) (Bam Bam)
    • Run to the third island and back
    • Low Flutter 10 IC
    • Run to the fourth island and back
    • Slow Merkins 10 IC (Rooter)

Thanks for the oppertunity to lead Bam Bam! Nice work by all.
