Sleigh Bells of Fury

Event Date

Dec 04, 2015

Six steadfast soldiers answered the bell for three more rounds of battle against Old Man Winter (and Spare) at this morning’s edition of The Cauldron.


  • Run a lap around the parking lot
  • Side Straddle Hops – 15x In Cadence(IC)
  • Windmill – 10x (IC)
  • Bend & Reach – 10x (IC)
  • Cotton Pickers – 10x (IC)

Tha Thang

Round One:

PAX circles up at the usual starting point.  All exercises OYO.

  • KB Swings – 15x
  • KB Squat – 15x
  • KB Upright Row – 15x

Run to Stop Sign

  • Merkins – 15x
  • LBC – 15X
  • Imperial Storm Troopers – 15x

Run back to starting point – REPEATO 2x

Round Two:

PAX Circles up.  Intent of Round Tow is to focus on holding Kettle Bells in challenging static positions.

  • Goblet Squat Hold (Drop into a squatting position) – 10 count
  • Goblet Squat – 15x (IC)

Unbroken (Hold Kettle Bells overhead with both hands; elbows locked out) – 20 count

  • KB Overhead Press – 10x (IC)
  • Static Curl Hold (Hold KB in half curl position to create tension in biceps) – 10 count
  • KB Curls – Low/High/Full – 7x (IC)
  • Front Lateral Hold (Hold KB out in front of your body; elbows locked) – 10 count
  • KB Front Lateral Raise – 10x (IC)


Round Three:

Lunge Walk w/KB to middle island.

  • Skull Crushers – 15x OYO

Walk to Stop Sign with KB Extended overhead.

  • KB Curl – 15x OYO

Walk to middle island with KB Extended overhead.

  • Clean & Press – 10x each side, OYO

Lunge to starting point.

  • Tea Bag Squat – 15x


  • W’s w/KB – 10x
  • Box Cutter – 15x
  • Dying Cockroach – 10x
  • LBC’s – 20x
  • Freddie Mercury – 10x  
  • WW2 Sit-up w/KB – 10x

Naked Moleskin:

  1. Thanks to Fiddy for providing the 10 counts.  Those static exercises were much easier on paper.
  2. Great to see Capone out with the PAX this mooring.  Hope that ankle continues to heal up.
  3. Quiet PAX this morning.  Either they were bored or pissed with the Q for the running at the beginning…. I’ll take the latter.


As always, it is an honor to lead the men of F3 in a workout.  They motivate and push me to be better.  I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to call these men brothers, and be a part of something much bigger than myself. 
