Slip Around the Back

Event Date

Sep 23, 2019


FNG-1 is Brandy Wine

A beautiful morning presented itself for us to go out and do some running.  I was actually on time but we still headed out at 531 as we were having some good convo.

Let the run begin

Down into Tanner's Creek staying to the right and following the roads up behind the school towards the exit at Hambright.  We made one stop along the way nad did some merkins, plank jacks, and mountain climbers.  I think I was the only one to do the plank jacks as there was no counting, mumble chatter was high, and somone mentioned a mutiny on them.

Start running again.  Get to the entrance at Hambright.  On the wall we did some dips and inclined merkins.

Head on back.  Got to the one hill at back of Tanner's and we did Lietenant Dan's up to 10.  Mumblechatter once again kicked in hard and not sure who actually did all of them.

Run back to home base.

Did some stretches and ab stuff


Recover, recover.


Air was cool but we still sweat.  Some joined prior for the statndard, I think 9 Lives, Tantrum, and Jaws.

Thanks to all who joined