Slippery Stairway to Heaven

Event Date

Dec 17, 2015


Slippery Stairway to Heaven

With temps in the low 50's and the rain pouring down outside my window, I have to be honest… I was NOT looking forward to this.  As I suited up I told myself, "CSAUP" and pushed forward.  The gloom awaited.

I saw Frogger in the grocery store the night before and his foot is still on the mend.  He said he was anxious to get back to Samson, but could do NO running.  I told him I had just the workout with ZERO running.  

The first car rolled in and it was Frogger.  Rain still coming down in buckets, I told him not to risk it. [That guy's got HEART].  Against his wishes, he listened and headed out.  Thanks for showing Frogger. Soon my friend, soon.

The PAX rolled in and we got started.  As we waited for a "chest-cold-ridden" 66 YHC explained the CSAUP of the day.  The Stairway to Heaven.  

It's not enough to stare up the steps.  One must step up the stairs.


Parking lot 1:
25 Curls drop block
broad-jump-burpee (BJB) across
25 merkins
bear crawl back
25 skull crushers
?lunge walk with block across

Parking lot 2:
20 arm raises
broad-jump-burpee (BJB) across
20 merkins
bear crawl back
20 squats
?lunge walk with block across

Parking lot 3:
20 Curls drop block

broad-jump-burpee (BJB) across
20 merkins
bear crawl back
20 skull crushers
lunge walk with block across


Parking Lot 8:
20 Curls drop block
crab walk over
20 squats
bear crawl back
20 skull crushers
lunge walk with block across


  • T-Claps to Hasselhoff for brining 10 brand-spankin' new blocks to Samson #HIM
  • Two Buck Chuck, You've always got my back bro.  Thanks for forging through the "this is a terrible idea" thought you had this morning.  Some of my best memories in F3 come from that same choice.  T-Claps for winning the Scrappy award for CRUSHING this Bogey inspired beatdown.
  • 66 – Better late than not at all, brother.  (only one minute BTW and you are sick)  T-claps for powering through.  You should ask your pharmacist to recommend something. 😉
  • I was going to say something about those that didn't make it, but…  See you next week upon the convergence at Wilderness.


  • Q School Saturday Dec. 19th at Westmoreland Park – See F3ISOTOPE.COM Announcements for details.
  • Shirts for LFC F3 can be found here: –>
  • Christmas Eve Convergence – Wilderness 0530
  • Jedi's Birthday Convergence (12/26) – BRP