12 animals slayed the Wilderness this morning…none were harmed in the filming of this beatdown.

We mosey'd to the basketball court and did some warm-up exercises/stretches, which did NOT include SSH!  This confused the PAX, as always!

This was followed by various animal exercises around the perimeter of the court.

Mosey to the playground for some dips, Mericans, and squats.

Mosey to Queen's Corner for some Monkey Humpers, since wild animals don't ride bikes!

Quadraphelia to the rock pile for some curls, shoulder presses, skull crushers, chest presses, LBCs with rock, and Mason Twist with rock…interupted by some Karoake around the round-about.

Mosey back to the home tree for some dot the i's.



  • Felt like i was a little soft this morning!?  I'm still recovering from a bad head-cold, and feel like the pain factor was maybe a 7.  I'll make up for it next time!!
  • Blackbeard discovered that there is indeed mythical dragons in The Wilderness…though i'm not sure he actually did any of them!
  • Someone was getting a little frisky during the leap frogs…i'm just sayin!!
  • Sign up to Q…this is a great AO with a lot of options!!!