Slow & Low Tempo

It was time to get Slow and Low at Fallout this morning. The group got to practice their moves before Valentine's Day. 

Disclaimer was given but it's pretty obvious I'm a professional. 


Mosey to the top of parking lot then back down to circle up. 


12 Cotton Pickers IC


20 tiny forward arm circles OYO

20 large reverse arm circles OYO

The Thang 

Part 1

Headed to the rock pile with a travel rock and met at the Bradley Middle School Track.

Did full curls while walking half way around the track, stopped to do 20 Slow and Low squats – single count.

Continued half way around track while doing shoulder presses to starting point – then 20 more squats – single count

Grabbed rock again for a half way trip while doing Skull Crushers – then 15 Mountain Climbers  IC 

Ran with rock to put it back in rock pile, some were sad after Romancing Their Stone.  

Part 2 

Picnic Shelter 

20 Step-ups – IC 

10 Dips – IC 

Then continued to parking lot for Power Skips to the first island and return to bottom of parking lot by Lunge Walking. Repeato – this was challenging for some due to lack of coordination and rhythm. 

Circled up for some ab workout 

15 Pretzel Crunches – each side 

Slow & Low Flutter – 10 IC 

30 second arm plank 

One last trip around the parking lot for good measure and to kill one minute before Recover/Recover. 

Announcments, Prayer, Peace Out