Small but Strong

Event Date

Jun 28, 2023

4 men showed for a full serving at Hollywood. Here’s the menu:


10 Imperial Storm Troopers IC
10 Longsnappers IC
10 Toy Soldiers IC
15 Mountain climbers IC
10 Slow Windmills IC

The Thang:

Mosey to ramp behind Dick’s

Dora’s lazy, evil cousin:

100 mericans, 200 LBC’s, 300 squats

Round 1:
Partner 1 Mericans x 10 while partner 2 planks, switch at 10, and repeato until they reach 100. Run lap up ramp and back down to starting point.

Round 2:
Partner 1 LBC’s x 20 while partner 2 holds legs out at 6″, switch at 20 count, and repeato until they reach 200. Lap up ramp and back.

Round 3:
Partner 1 Squats x 30 while partner 2 does Al Gore, switch at 30 count, repeato until 300 reps. Lap up ramp and back.

Head over to theater wall for People’s chair + airpresses x 20, Praying Mantis X 10
Repeato with Seal claps x 20
Repeato with Land the plane x 20

Bear crawl across lot, mosey back
Lunge walk across lot, mosey back

Mosey to original AO launch point

Dips x 10 IC, Incline Mericans x 10 IC
Dips x 10 IC, Decline Mericans x 10 IC

Mosey to green space/TV area for Mobility Minute

Mosey to launch point for Mary:

Crunchy Frog – Deep Dish
Shoulder Touch Mericans  – SnakeEyes
Freddie Mercury w/full extension  – Soprano
Rosalita  –  Little Professor
Homer to Marge – Deep Dish

Small, but strong showing this morning. Zero mumblechatter / 100% hard work.

Great to see SnakeEyes back at this AO. Soprano’s rehab seems to be going well, as he looked as strong as ever. Little Professor continues to take it up a notch at every post. Well done all!

Great coffeteria after with Soprano, Little P, Fire Scout, and Roadie

Thanks to Soprano for the opportunity to lead. Prayers up for Drivethru and Crablegs.

Deep Dish