Smithville Park 1st Rendezvous and 3rd F Cornelius Community Garden Cleanup

Event Date

Apr 24, 2022

YHC wasn't sure how many would show for a 7am rendezvous at Smthville Park.  It actually couldn't be called a rendezvous since at least 2 or more would have to agree on the time and location.  Regardless, YHC was super pumped to have Hippie, Jersey Boy and Primo show for a 2.3 mile tour of the Smithville Old Cornelius area.

Here's how it went down 

  • Warm-A-Rama 
    • SSH X 50 IC (that's half of a Soprano warm-up)
    • IST x 15 IC
    • Wacky Jacks x 10 IC (in honor of Primo)
    • Windmill, Toy Soldier, Mountain Climbers, Donkey Kicks would also be performed.
  • Mosey around the soccer field for a brief warm up
  • 4 exercises were performed across the soccer field in reverse ladder format: Dips and Merkins would be performed at one side of the field, while Burpess and WWII situps would be performed at the other side.  Repetitions started at 12 and decreased by 2 after each round for a total of 42 reps for each exercies.
  • Mosey towards the playground / picnic shelter where alternating steps ups and incline merkins were performed
  • Mosey down Smith Cirlce and stopping at Nannie Potts Lane where Hippie correctly answered a trivia question regarding Nannie Potts, Cornelius first black Mayor.  Hippie's correct answer saved the PAX 10 burpees.  
  • 25 Rocky Balboa's performed on the curb
  • Mosey down Nannie Potts Lane to the corner of Nannie Potts and Hwy 21 
  • In the parking lot of the Coin Launry, performed people's chair and air presses X 20 IC
  • Lunges towards the rock pile where a series of curls, shoulder presses and goblet squats were performed
  • Hippie also led us in 8 count man makers with the rocks, thanks Hippie!
  • Mosey back up Nannie Potts lane (uphill was tough!) stopping halfway for a 10 count
  • Left on Smith Circle mosey back to Smithville Park, left towards the picnic shelter
  • Alternating step ups and incline merkins performed on the picnic benches
  • Mosey back to soccer field for a 1-lap Commander run around the field
  • Mosey back to parking lot for MARY, popcorn style where each PAX led a portion of MARY, including Primo's favorite Homer to Marge!
  • Recover Recover


  • After discussing the mating rituals of tortoises, Hippie made a suggestion for the male tortoise to further "enhance" the breeding process .You just had to have been there for this. Ask Hippie the name for this the next time you see him. 
  • You just can't make this stuff up: this weeks highlights around F3 Lake Norman included 'Lil Boners, Mating Tortoise videos, and fetal pig dissection on the front porch of one of the PAX
  • Jersey Boy commented that the workout was exactly what he needed which makes YHC feel like "mission accomplished"
  • Always LOVE seeing Primo in the gloom and getting feedback from him about the workout being tough
  • 2.3 miles were covered in the workout with plenty of strength exercises mixed in.
  • YHC's integrity was questioned by Hippie after lying about the number of trivia questions involved to prevent burpees.  A "white lie" and a purposeful missed answer by Primo resulted in 10 additional burpees
  • Great coffeeteria at Dunkin' with Hippie, JB and YHC with a lot of discussion around cycling.
  • Thanks to Hippie for closing us out in prayer.


3rd F Community Garden Cleanup (YHC and Jersey Boy)

  • Truly worthwhile 3rd F working with Charlotte Habitat and Town of Cornelius on their revitalization of the Cornelius Community Garden
  • Removal of old lumber, weeding and general cleanup in the Cornelius Community Garden was performed 
  • Awesome seeing so many people come together for such a worthy project
  • Fun working side by side with Jersey Boy 

As always, an honor and privilege to lead in the gloom with such an amazing group of men!

Humbly in Christ
