Smoked Bear on the VQ Menu

23 (Steamy – not yet registered, nice work out there today brother!) brought their butts to The Estate to learn how to smoke bear.  Here’s the recipe (start with hot sun and mostly humid conditions because bears are tough):

Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory

Disclaimer, no FNGs posted, mosey to football field.

Warm-O-Rama in the football field – 25 (all IC) SSH, ST, CP, TS + 10 Merkins IC

Mosey to the Francis Bradley Middle School baseball field – go Mavericks!


The Thang – Smoked Bear (make em’ sweat, apply rub, and let the sun heat em’ up during bear crawls ‘til they are smoked)

Boomerang (derivative of “The Horseshoe” – thanks Magnus)

  1. Start at right field foul pole with exercise 1, run to home plate, then to left field foul pole
  2. Add 2nd exercise
  3. Run back to right field pole via home plate, add exercise, repeat up to 5
    1. 5 Burpees (anything more is BS, total = 25)
    2. 25 Squats
    3. 25 Merkins
    4. 25 Mountain Climbers
    5. 25 LBC’s
  4. Once pax hits 5, drop one exercise after each run, ending with the 5th exercise

Bears on the Bases (cue the hair band music DJ Mighty Magnus!), Partner Up (SDNM)

Partner 1 bear crawls from home plate to 1st base, round 1st to 2nd base for a double (180 feet), then run home.

Partner 2 – 25 dips in the dugout

Flapjack and Repeato (x4)

Audible: for 3rd and 4th sets bear crawl to 1st base, then run the bases (YHC was getting smoked at this point and a nice bark had formed on the pax from the dirt in the dusty infield)


Mosey to pick up Cindy, same partners

P1 – 21 gun salute, P2 LBC amrap

P1 – 25 shoulder presses, P2 LBC amrap

P1 – 25 skull crushers, P2 LBC amrap

Mary – 25 LBC (IC), 25 low flutter (IC), homer to marge (x2), 12 shoulder-touch merkins (IC for Snake Eyes), plank for 20 seconds.  Recover, recover.



There is a symphony and fireworks tonight at BRP:

F3 softball July 10th:


We prayed this morning and asked our Father to give us grateful hearts, to make us mindful of the needs of others, and to give us strength and courage to love and serve Him.  Prayers for Frogger for a full recovery from foot surgery and for the return of his humor to our workouts.  Continued prayers for Olive – we continue to be here for you brother.



There was a sand pile in the parking lot that sparked the question by the clown car if YHC had ordered it special for the pax to move, but moving the sand pile was not on today’s menu.  YHC made a mental note that sand would form a good bark on the pax for future workouts (Navy SEALS in training get wet in the surf and then roll in the sand to make themselves into a “Sugar Cookie,” during a beat down – God bless them).

Old Glory was planted proudly in the sand pile by The Excelsior pax.  Nice job to those who did the double down.  Turnpike decided to stay after learning it was YHC's VQ, and that meant a lot brother, so thank you and happy birthday to your 2.0!!!

There was relief when the pax started towards the football field and away from the freshly fertilized soccer fields.  Fertilizer creates off flavors in smoked bear.

Towards the end of the Boomerang, one pax reportedly made a trip to the woods for relief and perhaps a splash of merlot, which pairs well with smoked bear.

Total miles = 2.8.

Great F2 at NY Bagel Coffeeteria.

Thanks to those who came out to support YHC's VQ.  Professor, thank you for the opportunity to lead this fine group of leaders.

After almost 6 months in F3, a VQ was overdue.  F3 is a blessing.  Every one of you has influenced YHC to get a little bit stronger mentally and physically every day, and, with God’s grace, to focus more on the most important things – family and friends.