Smokey and the G Nip

Event Date

Feb 27, 2021

Five fellas came out to the Quarry Hood looking inward for inspiration.  Hilarity ensued


Dynamic stretching platter

The Thang

Part 1 – The Ricky Bobby 200, and then we did 200 more

  • 10 Burpees (bookend)

  • 20 Jump squats

  • 20 Mercans

  • 20 Freddie Mercuries

  • 20 Mountain climbers

  • 10 Burpees (bookend)

Indian run around the block with sprint option for last 1/4 block. We did this four times

Part 2

Ladder six’s. Bear crawl across road and do one mercan. Crab walk back across the road and do 5 dips. Then 2/4, 3/3, etc., etc.


  • Legs 90 degrees – ankle ups 20 I/C

  • Legs 45 degrees – high flutter 20 I/C

  • Boat pose – 60 seconds

  • Mason twist – 15 I/C

  • Alternating full leg lifts – 20 total

  • Half WWII sit ups – 15 total


  • The ride over apparently had some domestic issue going on across from Schwinn’s. I may not have captured this correctly, but there were two cop cars, a fire truck and a medic outside the neighbor’s house. The backstory included an 84 year old grandpa who may or may not be the father of a 5 year old, and reports of a stolen corvette (allegedly)

  • Smokey and the Bandit was a hot topic during the Ricky Bobby 400

  • Board certified physician’s discussing Big Enis and Little Enis seems like a violation of patient confidentiality

  • Sherriff Buford T. Justice favorite lines:

    • I’ve got him boxed in like a turtle’s pecker

    • When we get home remind me to slap yo mama in the mouth

  • Did you get tested when you thought you had the ‘rona? Nah, I didn’t want a tattoo placed on my forehead and chip inserted in my neck

  • Overheard during the workout: We still need to run home

  • If four Episcopalians are gathered together, you can be certain that will be a fifth nearby

  • Double IPA = IBS

  • Question: “If I went ahead with the gender reassignment surgery, what would be my new name? Dougistina?” Answer: “G Nip”

  • And that comment, my friends, represents the high water mark, mic drop, MVP mumblechatter moment of the workout.

  • The runners were escorted out of Riverbend to the tune of Survivor’s “Burning Heart” from the Rocky IV Soundtrack

  • Q manages to have fun with pretty much everything he does, but this was a really fun one fellas. Great work!