SNAIL: Sapphire Native American’s Incremental Laps

I couldn’t believe it when I saw the calendar wide open for Q spots at Hollywood in October. I was doubly pleased when the morning began with a cool 60 degrees and a slight mist to start us off. I had been planning a run/core/lift routine with teams of 3, but couldn’t settle on logistics beforehand; when I learned of Jolly’s plan to host a Blue Indian at Mad Scientist, I decided YHC would plagiarize the idea (with some slight modifications since YHC hates burpees) so that none of the pax had to worry that they were missing out. Obviously the fitness of all 12 men who entrusted me with their care was my top priority this morning.


Hat Trick was kind enough to point out that we were starting late. At 0531 we moseyed to the parking lot in front of Dick’s where we circled up for some SSH and Carrot Pullers. From there we moseyed to the lot near Chipotle for some IST and Windmills. Then we each grabbed a block and gathered around the midpoint of the parking lot.

We partnered up for the SNAIL: Sapphire Native American’s Incremental Laps. Hey, if we are going to be shamed into rebranding the Cotton Picker, shouldn’t we do the same for the Blue Indian?

  • Partner A: farmer’s carry blocks around lot (about 350 yards)
  • Partner B: run around lot, catching up with partner A
  • swap roles until blocks return to start

We took a breather then did the Uncle Rico-insprired Shoulder Press: start with block over head; lower on 1-2-3; up  on 4. 

  • Partner A: Zamperini one block around lot
  • Partner B: run around lot, catching up with partner A
  • swap roles until block returns to start

We took a breather then did Uncle Rico-inspired Lawn Mowers: start with block raised; lower on 1-2-3; up  on 4.

  • Partner A: Lunges (no blocks) around lot
  • Partner B: run around lot, catching up with partner A
  • swap roles until pax return to start

After returning blocks, we moseyed to corner by Barnes & Noble for some LBC. Then we headed to wall behind DIck’s for some People’s Chair mixed with Wonderbra followed by some Praying Mantis. With that behind us, we returned to the fountain with just enough time to hang out with Jane Fonda, who enjoyed our company until 0616.

Rather than the traditional prayer, we went around the circle and each gave thanks for something we are grateful for. A few asked for prayers for someone important to them.


  • Hat Trick was nervous when he found out I had the Q, but relieved when SSH stopped at 25
  • The MQ decided to post in Statesville today; he was obviously skeered of my beatdown
  • No burpees were harmed in the making of today’s workout
  • We got in a little under 2 miles today; about 2 miles more than the pax probably expected
  • Jersey Boy is on IR and gets an honorable mention for joining in for CoT
  • F3 Dad’s at Mighty Jungle on Nov 2nd
  • Christmas Party Dec 6th (Outlaw looking for raffle items)
  • Mighty Jungle Homecoming Dec 7th
  • Remember to keep Shirley (cancer – Boar Hog), Keith (lymphoma – Tagless) and Matilda (brain tumor – Ninja Turtle) in your TAP
  • Also remember those things you’re thankful for despite the turmoil in the world around us