Snakes and Thorns? I’ll Pass

Event Date

Jul 10, 2023


The title of this short #BB is what the guys wanted to say.  But they stayed with the Q and we had a fun, sticky morning.  Unless the Q puts a Herculean lead on the Pax, no one really cares what the workout exercises and counts were.  So, we worked out.  If you must know, we did a bunch of things 15 times and we got a little over 1.5 miles, I think.

We did not get snake bit but may have suffered a scratch or 2 from the poorly-kept grounds by the Birkdale tennis courts.  Attention F3 Birkdale HOA Board Members (Roadie?): I’m talking in your direction here.  

Special thanks to Airstream for making time in his very busy day to join us. Riverboat thanks Stromboli for saving him from himself.  That rock was about to ruin Riverboat’s day!  Lesson learned at coffee: it’s a ship, not a boat.  Don’t call it a boat!  This wisdom imparted on the group by Kid Rock, who failed to post for the workout after pink-swearing he was gonna be there.

 Prayers up for those hurting and struggling, and a special request for all good things for Blackbeard!

See you tomorrow.