Snaking thru a Respectful Samson

Event Date

Mar 20, 2025


Respect to the Pax that snaked thru the gloom of Samson this morning as no one under 50 posted. Youngest bunch of middle-aged dudes prevailed despite the Q being older than the dirt at Lake Forest and (as Blackbeard noted) still learning as we go. 

Warmarama in cadence. Side Straddle Hop, IST, Long Snapper, Slow Windmill, and Toy Soldier

The Thang

Mosey around the parking lot in snake like fashion with 2 pain stops each row OYO:

Merkins (20), Squats (20), Air Squats (20), Apolo Ono (20), and Carolina Dry Docks (20)

Finished the snake with a Bear Crawl to pick up the blocks.

Block Beat Down repeatos brought some much needed mumble chatter as the Pax earned a few seconds to ponder what is next. Plus, the Q was trying to catch his breath. 

Curls, OH Press, and Skull Crushers – 3 sets (15/12/10 reps) in cadence.

Mosey Lap 

BROs, Chest Press, and Lawn Mower – 3 sets (15/12/10 reps) in cadence. Block Swings – 3 sets OYO.

Mosey Lap

Final round with Block Clean and Press – 1 set of 10 OYO.  

Return to base for Mary where the snaking continued as Blackbeard unexpectedly and shockingly snaked JLo from Amen.  Hope Amen is OK.  

Recover Recover. 


