Snow Tire(d)

Event Date

Jan 23, 2016


6 men walked/crawled/biked in through the snow to better themselves….Skipper is at the helm.


20 IC Snow Angels

15 IC Seal Jacks

15 IC Copperhead Squats

Football Drill

Hanging Tough/Snow Tire(d):

Head to the back playground.  Some unaudible mumblechatter from the PAX when they saw Michelle, our resident tire awaiting on the path.  Q mentions that she's not really a snow tire, but we'll see what we can do with her.  Start at the monkey bars, partner-up; Partner 1 = Pull-Up Exercise; Partner 2 = Block Exercise; Each round has 4 partner rotations:

Round 1: (4 Rounds)

1 = Bicep Curls w/ Block

2 = Max Pull-Ups

Tire Exercise = Bear Crawl Train: PAX forms line behind tire, first PAX flips tire twice, runs to back of advancing line; PAX does bear crawl until its their turn to flip the tire, repeato until reach halfway to front park.

Round 2: (4 Rounds)

1 = Skull Crushers

2 = :30 Top of Pull-Up position Hold

Tire Exercise = Bear Crawl Train to return tire to the back playground

Trail Loop Run

Round 3:  (4 Rounds)

1 = Block Twists

2 = 10 Negative Pull-Ups (Lowering part of pull-up; done slowly)

Plank Exercise: PAX forms line along the edge of the playground wall, hands on the wall and plank walk sideways around 1/2 of the park, then return the other direction

Round 4: (4 Rounds)

1 = Block PAX Choice of exercise

2 = :30 Hanging Tough (2-arm hang for as long as you can)

Bicep Block curls while Q returns Michelle to her home

Return to Front Playground


20 IC WWIs

20 IC Plank-Ups

10 IC Fire Hydrants L

10 IC Fire Hydrants R

15 IC Box Cutters


1 Samuel 16:7:

Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him.  For the Lord sees not as man sees:  man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.  A few week's ago, my pastor had a great sermon around what we were doing about our "injuries" that we were bringing into 2016.  He talked about how well our Panthers were doing, and that they would not be doing as well if the players had not worked on their "outward" injuries.  He ran down a laundry list of surgeries that the current players had undergone.  And how afterwards, they became stronger and the results were obvious.  In the same way, he challenged us to identify what "inside/spiritual" injuries we were bringing into 2016.  What are we going to do about them?  We need to identify and work on them, just as much as those nagging injuries that we concentrate so much on.


 – Interesting pre-run prior to the beatdown;  Cheetah joined us on his bike, Vortex, Goodwrench and Skipper slip-slided around for a couple of miles.

 – I did get a ruling on the snow angels prior to putting them into the workout.  #manapproved

 – It was like the tire was just waiting for us when we got back to the playground

 – As soon as Q called Hanging Tough Version 2 out, PAX engaged in singing and dancing to that rythmic 80s tune.  Ah, the memories.

 – By Round 3 PAX started to not respond much to Q's jokes.  #Qsensedmutiny

 – That trail run was a workout in itself.  Sinking into the snow on the uphill was like running in mud.

 – T-Claps to Metro for doing this with the weigh vest on; but then he asked the Q if he remembered that the Murph was this Monday, to which the Q replied, "well this will make those biceps stronger for it."

 – Hit Sweet Destinations after for some 2nd F, coffee was good, atmosphere not as good as Cabella's of course

 – As always, an honor to lead and be led by you men.  Have a great/blessed weekend folks.