So Kettle bells huh?

Sometimes you wake up and think, hey, you know what i want to do this morning?  Yep, swing little balls of iron in an elementary school parking lot.  13 men decided that was their path today, here is their story:

0500: 5k assesment run to figure out a benchmark for the next two months of training.

Nice work by all, from my view El Chapo led all…by alot.  Strong work by Calypso, Blackbear and Wingman as all look alot faster than a month ago.  Dallas, Freepass & Pierogi recovering from some injuries so took it slower.


Warm up: SSH x 15 (IC), Cotton Picker x 15 (IC), arm circles, slappy hands, etc…

The Thang:

5 guys drop their bells and the rest circle up.

We had a timer farmers carry about 100 yards while 2 men held Zamparini with 30lb steel plates, 1 man did perfect pushups (TM) and one did clean & presses with a keg.

The rest rotated the following exercieses in no particular order (note: some of these may not have happened or may have happend 7 times)

KB Swings

Goblet Squats

Lawn mower


Bent rows

WWII situps

Donkey kicks

Low Blows

KB throws

KB crunches

Skull crushers

Dead lifts

Scarecrow Jubilees

Nose breakers

Atomic KB swings


Then some time for Mary:

Something spare made up (courtesy of spare)

JLo (courtesy of Amen)

Situps (courtesy of Big BenLittle Ben, but since he isn't registered I will continue to call him Hallelujah) (Update, he is registered and I'm an idiot)


I don't own a KB, can you tell?  So Tclaps to Bagboy for letting me borrow his.

To be honest, I wasn't seeing straight for the first 10min due to oxygen depletion so not really sure what happened there.

towards the end, I lost control.  We got through one rotation and I looked over and Blackbeard didn't even have a KB.  I have no idea what he was doing.

Then not too long later, while the rest of us are working out, Calypso is spread out like he just got hit by a truck.  His excuse was there was no kettlebell for him.  ????

So I started telling each person exactly what to do next, unfortunatly because I forgot once FreePass held the keg over his head for three minutes.  I figured when I saw him pick up the keg after 10 other guys had been doing clean and presses it was understood.  It was not.

Dallas is extremely scared of man sweat.  I guess thats a healthy fear.

Hallelujah Little Ben said he was having a bad day, chin up buttercup, your 12 years old and your dad took you out with the guys to workout.  It could always be worse.

Pierogi, as usual, was funny…and can't be repeated on the internet.  If you are on Reddit (whatever that is) he will find you.  And you will feel bad.

El Chapo came, he ran, and he left.  #soccerarms

I haven't seen Blackberry in months and then he went all beast mode on that keg.  I wish I took a picture of his face when holding the keg up for the 100 yard walk.  It was like Burner face if burner got hit in the face with a frying pan.

Oh lets see what else, Turnpike showed his loyalty today, tclaps brother, I know Samson wasn't easy yesterday.

Spare, doing an excellent job here, good group, but can somebody please put Fiddy's rat dog in a cage or something.  Scares the crap out of me everytime it scurries out of the woods.

Well men, I had fun this morning, hope you did.  Thanks to Spare for tricking me into Qing a KB workout and thanks to BEP for bestowing this F3 gift to me.  When I see stuff like what is going on with Papa Smurf in Greenville, NC it makes me so thankful I have a group of amazing men to learn from everyday.  However, there are many men out there that are praying for that kind of support.  Find them, let them now, make a friend for life.
