So many OTB runs, but Excelsior stands strong

Event Date

Aug 26, 2017


Run to Bradley Middle School

Circle Up

SSHs 26x IC

Apolo Ohnos 10x IC

Toy Soldiers 10x  IC

ISTs 10x IC

Windmills 10x IC

Down to the right, runners stretch, right arm up

Down to the left, runners stretch, left arm up

Mountain climbers 10x IC

Fire hydrants 10x IC each leg



Run a bit past hill at Jim Kidd Rd and then turn around and run back to base of hill

Partner Up

Partner 1 sprints to top of hill and moseys back down. Partner 2 does squats until Partner 2 returns. Flapjack

Partner 1 sprints to top of hill and moseys back down. Partner 2 does knees to hands jump until Partner 2 returns. Flapjack

Everyone sprint up hill together, then keep on running back to parking lot at Bradley Middle

Bear crawl Indian run length of basketball hoops. Pax bear crawls while the last standing broad jumps to the front. Unless you are an overacheiver like Major Tom and bear crawl to the front

Run back to parking lot at Richard Barry

Partner Up 

Catch Me if You Can: Partner 1 runs quick pace around parking lot. Partner 2 does 5 burpees then sprints to catch up and tag partner. Flapjack. Continue until both partners have completed 5 laps

Leg throwdowns 35 seconds each partner



Hold Superman until Recover Recover



  • YHC showed up to a parking lot full of Pax. Pretty shocked to find that many out early on a Saturday. Finally realized half of them had just finished OTB run and the other half were just getting started on other OTB runs. So much for tapering, BRR cramming is in full effect!!
  • El Chapo finally found us with about 5 minutes left in the workout. Apparently we hid well. 
  • Major Tom was pushing the pace today. He got "upgraded" to leg 9 of BRR and is taking on the challenge
  • Thanks for the opportunity to Q Turnpike