SO. MANY. TACOS – Carrburritos Davidson

15 pax (Gotti not listed on the website) crossed the border and crammed into almost every free standing table in Carrburritos Davidson for our weekly feast of tacos. SO. MANY. TACOS.

Perhaps the best part of lunch today was watching pax come from all over Lake Norman for Taco Tuesday. Race City, Isotope, and Davidson all represented. Several pax went for nachos or burritos but most stayed true to the standard.

YHC had three tacos; carne desebrada, carnitas, and shrimp tacos. They were huge offerings. I also splurged for the chips and salsa but grumbled after having to pay for them. All of the tacos were really good. Would give a solid 8 to the carne desebrada and carnitas. 9 for the shrimp tacos since the shrimp were a tad spicy and had a great sauce. All tacos had lettuce, tomato & cheese and there was the option for hard or soft, corn or flour.

We had to pull multiple tables together and it was so packed that ordering took a while but clearly TPR is a perfect middle ground for Taco Tuesday in LKN. It has been noted and we will be back to Carrburritos. Lego thought ahead and ordered take out on his way to skip the line. Smart. Until they messed up his order. Whoops.

Thanks for joining men. Always enjoy some 2ndF with the pax, especially when tacos are involved. Also fun to hear stories from the P200. The Q for next Tuesday is up for grabs. Free to Lead. And don't forget to leave your comments and ratings down below.

If I missed anyone, let me know and I will get them added to the pax. AYE!