So Much Fitness at Arnie’s

YHC promised all the fitness and 10 PAX showed to kick off spring break in style. With YHC going back 2 back Qs today and tomorrow FKT (shameless plug), limited running was on the menu.  Here's what went down.

Auto, Poptart and Popcorn met the standard for 3.05 miles

Mosey around Arnies Lot and circle up for:

SSH x 25 IC
IST x 10 IC
Carrot Puller x 10 IC
Windmill x 10 IC

Mosey to pull up area:
1x through money bars and partner up – Size doesn't matter

Partner 1: Pullups AMRAP
Partner 2: 10 burpees


Repeato lowering burpees by 2 each time until both partners have completed all 5 sets

Mosey back toward lot and stop at picnic tables for:

Dips x 10 IC
Single Leg steps up x 10 eachleg OYO


Mosey to blocks and find your partner:

Partner 1 gets 2 blocks
Partner 2 takes a lap around the lot

Partner 1 farmers carry
Partner 2 10 Merkins and run to catch partner
Keep switching until each team has completed 3 laps.

Circle up again with each Pax having their own block for:

Full Curles x 10 IC
Overhead Press x 10 IC
Skull Crushers x 10 IC
Lawn Mower x 10 each arm OYO

Hot lap around the lot
repeato x 4

Partner 2 puts the blocks away
Partner 1 runs a lap

Circle up for Mary:
Hoodie: Low Flutter
BC: some weird boat canoe thing no one heard of – think like a more awkward crunchy frog
Auto: Merkins (shocking, i know)
Heely: Mason Twist
Popcorn: Elbow Plank type things (pretty sure this was made up)

Recover, Recover



  • Good to see Breakfast Club out beginning his fitness journey. Glad to see you #ditchingthedough
  • No MQ today..after liking the PB….hmmm
  • PopTart is quietly crushing things.  Barely misses a day
  • There was talk of serious pace bullying on the standard by Popcorn
  • No Smokey – he owes money to the kitty
  • Kosar is killing April just like he did March – strong work brother, glad to have you back
  • Uncle Rico does like triple the work of everyone else
  • Thanks Tuffy for letting me lead at this fine AO
  • Join YHC as I go back to back tomorrow at FKT. It will suck, i'm super excited

