So nobody wants to Q? Fine! Everybody can Q

Event Date

Jun 11, 2022




  • 15 IC SSH
  • 15 IC Mountain Climbers
  • 15 IC Cotton Pickers
  • 15 IC Windmills



Indian run lap

Stop at tennis courts 

Zippy takes over for a bit

  • Elevens squats/Mericans
  • Run length of court between each round

Jeeves assumes the pilot seat

  • Parking lot suicide/quadraphelia style to each line with 15 WW1 sit-ups and 15 squats at each line

ShakeWeight guides us to the gym

  • Partner up 
  • One runs while the other does reps of the exercise
  • 100 each of dips/stepups/LBCs

C# provides some leadership training on goal setting

  • Everyone grab three rocks 
  • Split into two teams and head to the short loop near the school entrance 
  • Take either 1 or 2 rocks from the other team’s pile and put it your team’s. The price? 1 rock you run forward 1 lap / 2 rocks and you run backward 1 lap
  • Run until one teams runs out of rocks or time expires 

Diesel takes the helm 

  • Parking lot suicides with ‘mericans starting at 10 and counting down to one. 



  • Boucher- Freddie merks 
  • Bronco – Ws
  • Heisman – low flutters 



Galatians 6:4-5 KJV

But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden.



  • Welcome Bronco (FNG-1), who has been doing F3 out of Davis Lake for about 3 years but living up here in Westport for last 2. Great to have you here, brother! 
  • The Q was still open at 6:45 am so YHC grabbed and decided to see if everyone would play along and share the ‘load’. It worked out great!
  • Great to see Jeeves back at it. Dude still has his wheels. 
  • Coffeeteria was on fleek yet again. 
  • As always, it is an honor to be allowed to “lead” and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.