So the Pax, a Kettle Bell and Hell’s Ascent Get Together And…

Not listed in the Pax above is Kavorkian…sign up to F# Isotope Brother!

Well my intention was not to Q this Thursday but brother Bam Bam needed someone to step up.  Being my debut Q at Dragon Slayer got foiled by an injury, I certainly owed him and gladly accepted the challenge to Q the new and improved Dragon Slayer…well maybe not improved but new…hey, change is sometimes good.  The Pax arrived empty handed but thankfully GCC does not disappoint and had the Pax locked and loaded with some bells.  I will admit that this is the 2nd time writing this as YHC somehow deleted his well written and extremely witty BB the first time.  Hopefully this still does not disappoint.

After the pack of Pax finally get their bells…we are off, 45 seconds late…YHC not happy!

Warm O Rama

Walking mosey with bell overhead to base of Hell's Ascent (I think I heard my one and ONLY BS call). Drop the bells and lets go for a real mosey around the Church.  Mixed in some buttkickers, high knees and Karioke.

Semi Circle Up



IST x15 IC

Mountain Climbers x15 IC

Mericans x15 IC

Cotton Pickers x15 IC


I guess I was feeling a little frisky this morning and felt it was necessary to bring the burn right away. Pax were instructed we were doing 11's.

1 Burpee at the bottom of Hell's Ascent.  Carry Bell up to top and perform 8 Count Burner(see what I did there…Hell-Burn 🙂 I know…I got skillz)  Leave bell at top as I did not want any accidents on my watch with the slick terrain.

2 Burpees at bottom, 9 Burners at top. 3/8, 4/7., 5/6, 6/5, 7/4, 8/3, 9/2, 10/1.

Waiting on Six we did LBC's x30 IC

Semi Circle Up

20 KB Swings OYO

Shoulder Press x7 Each Arm.

Mosey to Pull Up Forest…(apparently Olive runs too slow)

Pull Ups x10 OYO

Mericans x10 IC

Pull Ups x5 OYO

Mericans x10 IC

Mosey back to bells.

Grab said bells.

Lunge walk with said bells to island while passing said bell through legs.

Walk to next island performing skull crushers x12 IC (if I went to 13 my skull would have been crushed…just sayin)

Walk to next island performing curls x12 IC

Walk to Church and carry bell however you want…YHC being nice.


Low Flutter with chest press x12 IC

Russian Twist x12 IC

WWII sit ups x12

Recover Recover

Naked Moleskin:

My first post ever at Dragon Slayer was last week and met a new group of Pax.  Not knowing many of them I was a touch nervous for today…butterflies…I hope I did not disappoint.

It was nice to hear that Magnus and his clown car came to support.  Thanks brothers.

Packer…I mean this guy crushed it today…apparently he has no issues with burpees, burners and Hell's Ascent as he got in a lot of plans and flutters before the rest of us…and thanks for the push on my last two sets of burpees.  Mad RESPECT for you.

I did hear a good bit of chatter as we began the 11s.  Midway all I heard was breathing…lots of it and very heavy…but no BS call???

Over Budget continues to push and amaze me…keep inspiring brother.

Felt good when Snoopy of all people told me nice Q and he was feeling smoked…thanks brother…you know it was all your fault for introducing me right?

Usually I am very more attentive as to what is going on but I will admit it was tough to get engaged with all the Pax so I apologize.  But one thing is for sure…this group busted their tails and really put forth the effort.  T Claps Men and thank you for posting.

Thanks to Over Budget for taking us out for CoT.

Thanks to Snoopy for dropping the hint about F3 just about a year ago…1 year anniversary coming up.  Most of all, thanks to God for getting me out of bed each and every morning, encouraging me to become a better man, Father, Husband, Son and friend and to make sure that I am #AlwaysBeImproving!

-Humbled Olive