So, this is a bootcamp workout?

Event Date

Jan 03, 2019


Some chatter took place last night on Slack about Who's on first or who has the Q at SVU this morning but nothing but crickets.  Stats will show the private channel comms usage spiked a bit, but to no avail…

0529…yes you heard that right and the PAX is SSHing and Mountain climbing as YHC walks up.

Then IST (IC) x 15 all led by Metrodog

At this point the PAX look around and are apparently just waiting for a Q to jump out of the woods, when YHC offers up his services.  But not before he offers it to anyone else.  You would have thought that the request was for blank checks from the PAX, but i digress…

Disclaimer was given and off we go!

20 Burpees OYO for the newly coined "no Q" penalty.


Mosey to lil baby hill.

4 corners—PAX pick a corner of the intersection.  Station 1 (timer) 15 OYO Merkins, Station 2 Diamond Merkins, Station 3, Wide Merkins, & Station 4 Hand Release Merkins.  Rinse and Repeat until we made it all the way around.

Mosey back to top section of launchpad (where we realized we had left Gecko behind but none the less he still was doing some work), where Metrodog is confused as "we always start at the bottom?'

We work through the model year of the cars present and do that PAX's favorite exercise.  2012 = 7 (IC) something.

Forgive YHC's mushy brain with all things "End of Year Inventory" but we did something that looks like.

Slow Merkins, Burpees (which we used as the "No shovel flag penalty," WW1's, LBC's, something, and something else.  Yes, only 6 exercises but there are 7 cars…we'll come back to that.

Metrodog has to bounce (something about 30 mins of a Mustang Q feels like 45 on a regular Thursday), so we say our goodbyes and mosey to the back playground and partner up.

Grab one block per pair.  Partner 1 does max pullups while P2 does block squat holds, and flapjack. Then P1 does pull up tuck holds while P2 does 20 block squats, and flapjack.  That went well so we repeato.

Gecko now bows out, so we lunge walk back with him to the bench and say our goodbyes.  15 IC Russian dips.

Mosey to the parking lot entrance.  Earlier the PAX didn't ask about YHC's car or favortite exercise. He felt a bit like dad at Christmas where noone asked what he wants or got for Christmas.  Tinker felt that this was a trap and pleaded that the PAX not inquire any further.

They got it anyway.  Ascending curb bear crawls.  The FJ is 10 years old so that's what we did.  Bear crawl up to the other curb, do 1 merkin, Crawl bear back and do 2 merkins, all the way up to 10=55 merkins and plenty of crawling.

Mosey back up lil baby hill and ode to Dandelion as we do (30) WW1's OYO.


YHC asks Mater if he has ever led an 8 count exercise which he had not so he led us in (10) IC Dr. W's.  #HeNailedIt


Hebrews 13:5

"Keep your lives free from the love of maney and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

YHC mentioned a blurb someone posted recently about not forgetting to be the man your M fell in love with.  Don't shy away from chasing your dream or calling do to being comfortable.  We also shared "read the bible in a year" options as what better time to start than now.

prayer out

name a rama


-Good to see some PAX out that YHC hasn't seen in a while.  It doesn't mean they haven't been posting but haven't made the trek north as often as in the past.

-So much confusion about the Q schedule.  If only there was a calendar?

-Mater putting the work in with a Standard.  

-No sign of the Denver pre-Madonna, er I mean Palmetto200 team but Strava may say otherwise.  #ThankGoodnessForManualEntries…but in all seriousness those guys are putting in some serious work and distance.  10 miles on a weekday morning?!?  Though it wouldn't hurt to sprinkle in a post here and there as we miss you.

-YHC had not really planned to post but apparently the M and 2.0 were competing in a "who can reach the highest decibel whispering" contest at 0505 so here we are.  We always mention missing brothers or not knowing who may be looking forward to seeing you in the gloom but it's so true.  Hopefully this instance brought some joy (and soreness) to someone.

-Kacsynski, Spork(rain delay), Clark, and Clubber put in some Trilogy miles in the rain.  Well done brothers!

-Thanks for the opportunity to lead and be led this morning gents!


