So Workout, Much Workout

Event Date

Aug 11, 2021

FNG-1 = Tank 

Popcorn had forced guilt-tripped coerced asked YHC to take a Q at Mad Scientist (despite Wednesdays being rest days) and YHC relented. After a debacle in which CarpetBagger promised to take two dates to the dance, I was left behind while Amen was courted by CB and his truck full of weights. No matter – casa de Cherry Bomb has plenty of toys to share with the pax. While setting up stations, HSB popped out of the stairwell and both of us got a scare. HSB had been looking for a trash can, but found a sweaty bug-eyed man in the basement instead. Scary stuff. We went back upstairs to grab the rest of the pax.

Despite preblasting a Standard, Kosar was noticeably the last one to arrive at 0530! And let me tell ya, those Concord "East Davidson" boys sure like to take their time getting ready. After a late start, we went downstairs to the basement. Smoker expressed his displeasure at the stations (he did this at YHC's last Q). No disclaimer, short warmup, Kosar laid into YHC for my lack of flexibility, we chose stations.

The Station Thang

?30 seconds on, 15 seconds off

  1. OH Press
  2. Skull Crusher
  3. Dumbbell Curls
  4. Dips
  5. Barbell Curls
  6. Field Goals
  7. Decline Merkin
  8. Lawn Mowers

After one round, we bear crawled up the ramp, lunge walked back down.

  • merkins x 10 IC

Find a wall for People's Chair

  • Calf Raises x 10 IC

Balls to the Wall, then back to the ramp

  • merkins x 10 IC

Lunge walk up the ramp. Crawl bear down. Back to the stations for one more round of 30 seconds on, 15 off.


Outside to the benches!

  • Incline Merkins x 10 IC
  • Bulgarian split squats x 5 IC (each leg)
  • Incline merkins x 10 IC


  • WWII sit up x 15
  • Touch them heels x 10 IC (Kosar)
  • Alternators x 20 OYO (Smoker)
  • Low flutter x 20 IC (Qbert)
  • LBC x 20 (HSB)
  • Scissor Kicks x 10 IC (Tank)
  • High Plank

Recover. Recover


  • Kosar had lots to say to the Q today. Weaker men would have broken down into tears.
  • Qbert showed off how strong he's been getting at Anytime. Apparently, YHC needs to be hitting Gold's more often than I thought!
  • Good to see Smoker coming out consistently. Put his head down and did the work. Strong!
  • HSB did HSB things. Pretty sure he never broke a sweat. Appreciate the coffee!
  • Tank had his second post today and was named without his EH present. Why Tank? Guess you had to S2K!
  • YHC was having music issues. The Doom soundtrack has a lot of anti-climactic beat drops. Next time I will vet the playlist.


Thanks to those who came out today. Hopefully we got enough of a workout despite the 0.0 miles of running. Hoping to come off the IR by next week.. Until then – CB