So… like to skip rope? How much?

Five guys surface from the desolate dampness that is the rain soaked Mooresville Town Square, not a Chevy among us, further disrespecting the very soul of the nickname of today's AO……Dale would not be pleased.  As such, this small quorum of seemingly healthy and handsome young lads came to feed at the Frosty inspired THE Intimidator, located, conveniently, near both the NY Bagel AND Panera, the site for the subsequent F3RCUSA Bible Study, which lauches at 6, so THIS AO has been commissioned to start at 5, ugh!

Warm-ups: Forward leaning rest, IC-MC's 15, Merkins 5, CDD's 10, IST's 10 WM's, 10, SSH's 20, warm up lap around fountain.  

The Thang: Skip Rope….literally.  Each Pax member was asked to skip 20 times while the others curled their weights to assess RSSA (Rope Skip Speed Ability), as it has been learned, painfully, that not all Pax members skip at the same rate.  Once it was determined that the RSSA was relatively cohesive amount the five, our plan was put into place.  Each Pax member skipped 60 times as he called out an exercise for the remaining Pax to do.  After a 'round' of skips to 60, a fountain recovery lap was implemented.  Round 2 was 70 skips each, lap, 80 skips, lap, 90 skips, lap (is there enough time? YES), 100 skips.  Since each exercise was 'continuous'…AMRAP, if you will, and there were 25 of them (5×5).  In order to preserve valuable silica, all 25 exercises will not be named, but suffice it to say that Shambalas, KB swings, Merkins, Skull Crushers, Military Presses, Manmakers, Ribbons, Sweeps, Clean and Jerks, Upright and Bent over Rows, and many other pain producing activities were endured by 4/5 of the Pax as the Skipper demonstrated his RSSA to the best of his ability.

Mary: Low Flutter (rapid, IC) 40, Bell Assisted Mason Twist (BAMT) 10 IC.  Recover, recover.


-Frosty, thanks for the keys.  Your Intimidator is pleasant, functional, robust, and has lots of horsepower… expected.

-The rope skipping allowed the other 4 Pax members to mumblechatter at will……this was good.

-Chicken Little, when fatigued, begins to drop in his RSSA, is this his achilles heel?

-Motorboat prescribed the most painful exercises, showing is clear and obvious intelligencia over the restuvus.

-Shambala is not currently doing kettlebell swings…….personal reasons.

-Banana Peel started us with Shambalas…..which are awful, but eased up after that.  A benevolent Pax person. 

-Other than the Fountain Runs, this post was dry…'re welcome!