Soggy Bag of Tricks

Event Date

Oct 08, 2016

5 met on a soggy Saturday to not let the hurricane rain mess with their routine!


SSH x 20

Wind mill x 10

Imperial Storm troopers x 15

Cotton pickers x 15

Merkin x 10


Circuit – partner 1 runs down to bus lot and back – rotate – 2 rounds

Bands – pterodactyl

Dumb b ell front raises

Merkin bars

Dumbbell pterodactyl

Jump rope


Mosey to loading dock

Leg throws downs 10 each side

Partner plank merkin w/Burpee – partner 1 planks while partner 2 does 1 burpee, jumps over legs of planking partner and then 10 merkins with feet on planking partner – flip flop up to 5 burpees


Body holds on loading dock


Mosey to bus lot



1st goal 2 shoulder touch merkins

2nd goal 4 shoulder touch merkins

3rd goal 6 shoulder touch merkins

4th goal 8 shoulder touch merkins


Repato starting with 4th goal


To the wall

Peoples chair – 10 air press

Balls to the walls

People’s chair – 10 arms flutters

Balls to the wall plank jacks


Mosey back to loading dock

Leg throw down’s 5 each side


Loading dock rails

Group planks on jack with bear crawl under then run around wall  – each pax once

Rail merkins x 10


Back to circuit


Quick 10 count pace through circuit

Quick 5 count pace through circuit


Hand release man-maker merkins x 10





– Pulled up and there were all these cars in the parking lot, started this is a good turnout for the work out in the rain; ah everyone is coming out to expect a good Snakes Eyes beat down… grabbed my gloves and got out. Started looking around and spoke to DDP, ….well evidently there was a field trip of some sort so… it was just parents waiting on the bus drop off the kids….oh well, whether it’s one or more, it’s all good!!

– Tried to give the PAX a little shelter to ease them into the rain this morning, we pulled out a bag of tricks for the work out today. Elmers felt like it was a soggy aerobics class with the equipment… and yes Scrap those were some dark pink dumb bells…..just grabbed some stuff and ran out the house this morning.

– Estee Lauder has had some strong showings here lately

– As always it’s an honor to lead, Thanks Professor for the opportunity.