Cold and soggy is not the way to have Java! Cold and soggy is understatement. I saw ducks in fleeces with rain coats…. okay… that's exagerated. Ducks are too smart to go out in the cruddy weather this morning.
As I pulled into the AO, I saw Turnpike standing under a tree still getting soaked in a sweatshirt. Q and MQ showed and as we were discussing our options Tagless shows up.
Tagless had smartly decided he was moving AO Wilderness to our Java Birkdale launch so they could stay somewhat dry under the parking decks.
"Tagless, will there be running?" I asked and he confirmed.
Sold.. Java converged with Wilderness for a Tagless led boot camp and 5 others for a total of 7.
But since Tagless ran the show; I'll let you read his side of the story when he posts the Wilderness AO.
But there was running.. A good amount of running!
Even though the running was in circles, Caffeine was earned!