Solid Mix

Event Date

May 17, 2021

Two showed to get the week started right with a solid mix of weights and running. 

1) Weights – Q's garage – Chest & tri's

  • Bench Press: 135 X 10, 185 X 5, 185 X 5, 185 X 5, 135 X 10
  • Skull Crushers (kettle or plate): 35 X 10, 35 X 10, 35 X 10, 35 X 10,
  • Incline Fly (dumbells): 35 X 10, 35 X 10, 40 X 10
  • Skull Crushers (Curl bar / plates): 65 X 10, 65 X 10, 65 X 10

2) 2-mile+ run: ~7:40 pace (conversational)

Great start to the week.