Solo 3 Miler

Event Date

Dec 27, 2023

Another solo act during the Saturnalia/Brumalia/Matronalia aftermath week. 

With upper body significantly sore from the Murph, I opted for mainly a run.  After a couple minutes of stretching I got started late since no one on this earth was watching:

Warm Up:

20 cadence side straddle hops

20 cadence windmills

10 burpees

Straight off the last burpee into a 4-lap mosey pace around the parking lot

One minute rest to blow snot and stretch hamstrings and calves.

Two more parking lot laps at a faster pace to make an approximate 3 miles, and what do you know its 6:14am!

Off with the 15lb plate vest and got some extra credit ab work in since I started late:

20 cadence LBCs

10 cadence cross leg crunches per side
