I woke up this morning and took the dogs out for a walk, and it was nice out.  I got back home and got ready to head out to  The General only to be met with rain as I exited the house.  This would put a damper on my original plan for the morning.

As I drove in it continued to sprinkle enough soak things up.  I had never been to The General, so late last night I finally had a chance to survey the AO and figure out a plan.

My original plan had us starting out in the baseball field.  The current weather situation would have made this quite messy, so I came up with a plan B for the first part of the workout.

As we started heading out Magnus showed up with the shovel flag and we were able to perform the Pledge of Allegiance.  We then headed down to the lot in front of the concessions building.  Where did Magnus disappear to?  Apparently he showed for flag drop off and bailed.



The Thang

Partner up

Started out with a round of DORA

Partner 1 runs (or skip type motion for Moses) while partner performs exercise.  Flip flop until complete

200 Jump Squats (even though Kid Rock pointed out that DORA starts with 100)

300 Merkins

400 LBC

Pick up the six and complete

Move down to bottom of the lot adn start Lieutenate Dan's up the lot to 10

pick up the six until all done

Next everyone on a parking space line

Plank position – plank walk to side 3 lines – hold it – plank jacks – plank walk other way – hold it – mountain climbers

Everyone shoulder to shoulder on one side

Rocky Balboa's on the curb followed by dips

Next – bear crawl across to the opposite curb – 7 merkins

bear crawl back – 6 merkins

keep going until down to 1

By this time it had started raining a little bit more and soaked the lot up all nice just in time for MARY

Jane Fonda's, WWII Situps, and Dying Cockroach



Lots of mumblechatter out there this morning.  Plenty of comments on how much the workout sucked.  I think YHC was one of the people that mentioned it as well.  Must mean doing something right

I was aware that numbers are quite strong here and was not sure what to expect with the threat of rain.  Luckily it held off enough to get through the work out and not scare many pax away

I am grateful for the opportunity to lead, pax attendance, and being part of this great group that is F3

I hope everyone enjoyed the suckiness

Thank you to everyone that showed.  Thanks to El CHapo for pushing me out of my original spot that was to be The Foundry for today.  I am glad to be able to get out to a different AO.

Tank you Eeyore for letting me lead your AO, even though you didnt show lol


