Some How, Some Way

Some walked, some ran, some drove, some came by bike, some came in hot, some came late, some came without doors, but 19 of F3 Isotope’s finest came nevertheless and launched at 5:32 for the MacBirkWin neighborhood tour. 

Some completed 5 miles while others decided they saw enough of Birkdale and covered 4.5 or 4.0 miles, but everyone pushed themselves and are better off for it.  Even Toxic, who was convinced of an under-calculation on the length of the designated route and was regretting his choice to attend a running workout this morning; but in the end, was happy he attended (although I’m not sure he will admit it).

Royale joined us at Fartlek for the 2nd week in a row; he wanted to give at least one more trial at this social running thing.  Hope to continue to see you out with us Brother.

Overdraft, relatively new to F3 and to the area, after moving from Southern California earlier this year, made a strong push to complete 5 miles.  Great work and keep coming; cooler temps and lower humidity are just ahead of us.

Good to see Mini Me and Dallas return from injuries; stay healthy.

Great work men and thanks for showing up…. no matter how you came.