Some More of the Core and Stretch

Event Date

May 02, 2023


A core group of four came out to Cobalt for some more of the core and stretch. It delivered in spades


  • Ain’t gonna be no recap of just what/how/who/why/when happened. Moleskine only bitchacho
  • Q was running late (shocker) so Surf got the party started with some flow. Much appreciated
  • So how did the party bus for the wedding go?
  • Fun fact: do not continue to run the air conditioner on a Party bus when the ignition is off
  • Certain attendees called BS on G Ripper needing to be at school early to proctor AP exams. Certain attendees son had an AP exam, but not until 11am. Busted?
  • Acoustic covers are a fascinating musical genre. This week’s curated selection featured the Queen with David Bowie classic “Under Pressure”. But with Willie Nelson singing the David Bowie part
  • Great work fellas!