Some of these d!ck jokes are hard to grasp. . .

F3 nantan Slaughter says our workouts are getting too soft, so I tried to up the game with some double kettlebell exercises. But despite my best efforts, let’s just say that this morning’s workout didn’t get many of the Pax hard. Some of them had a positively flaccid response to the stimulation.

Of course, there were a few erect individuals who rose to the occasion and (for example) thrust themselves into the snatch while others focused on the clean and jerk (some skipped the “clean” entirely). The competition wasn't at all stiff. 

When we were finished, we all felt like having a cigarette, but settled for coffee.

Some of the things we done did:

  • Run Around the Parking Exterior (R.A.P.E. )
  • Hand-Clap SSH
  • Bear Squats
  • Mating Snakes
  • Pirate Ship Ride
  • Trapezius Stretch
  • Deltoid Fly
  • Bent-Over Row
  • Skull Crusher
  • Curls
  • Bell Squat
  • Side Shoulder Raises
  • Upright Row
  • Side Raises
  • Lying Chest Press
  • Lying Overhead Extension
  • Home Stretch
  • Straight-Leg Dead Lift  
  • Xs and Os
  • Fat-Bottomed Girls (wide, fully extended Freddy Mercurys)
  • Lunges
  • Card Table Plank (Why you don't bend your arms, bro?)
  • Farmer’s Carry
  • LBC
  • Burpees
  • Snatch and Jerk? (whatever exercise Uncle Rico called)

We logged over 1.5 miles and those who brought their A-game (you know who you are) sculpted their bodies and strengthened their hearts.

It’s a pleasure to lead this awesome group of men and I’m thankful to Cobra Kai for putting me down on the calendar without even consulting me. Despite coming from another country, he clearly understands the premise of the term “voluntold.”

Stapler and his wife have COVID, so they’re quarantining at home. Waffle House lost his father a couple of days ago, so keep him and his family in your prayers. He was able to be with his father until the end, so that’s a meaningful consolation. As Waffle said: 82 years isn’t a bad run, and it ain’t nothin’ to go while surrounded by loved ones. Don't wait to say what needs to be said to the important people in your life. It's later than you think.