Some of us got into a rhythm at 4 Banger

This is a PSA for all future 4 Banger Qs.  This workout DOES NOT start at 0545 as the website would indicate.  It starts whenever Snake Eyes, Jorel, and 98 Degrees are all ready and accounted for.  So today it was like:

0546:  Snake Eyes rolls in, and we're off!

0547:  Jorel rolls in.  He catches up quickly. 

0555 (!!):  98 Degrees rolls in (according to Strava).  He caught up eventually, but had to forego banging to make that happen.

Some folks (Tantrum) argued that Frogger and Crab Legs shouldn't get credit, since they didn't start, finish, or generally run with anyone else.  But the Q today was generous plus they are my boys so all is good.

Instructions were given to take it slow at first, get into a rhythm.  One could argue Gambini, Scrappy, and Soprano banged too fast today.  One might argue 98 Degrees banged too slow by virtue of being late.  For everyone else, the banging was good and so was the rhythm.  Er wait…I've ventured too far away from a PG-13 backblast.

First time banger:  Gambini

Someone asked if it was Hasselhoff's first bang.  He just laughed at that.

Twilight and Memo are crushing this F3 thing together.  You love to see it.

Jorel supplied the Q with free sparkling water, much appreciated.

Mulligan is settled in and has played poker in his McCaully neighborhood, but not yet with his F3 friends here in Isotope.  Please see Jaws to correct that!

Tuna team captain Tantrum might argue we didn't bang long enough.  He also threatened to do exercises after which I threatened to kick him out of the workout.  That's not how we do it at the 4 Banger, Sir.

Something got to hear more about the Ford F-150 brake job that isn't going so well. 

Frogger, Crab Legs, Jaws, and YHC for a little extra credit early today. 

Thank you Freedom for picking up Jorel.

Thank you Jaws for the opportunity to lead.

A great morning with a great crew.  Oh, we ran ~4 miles if that wasn't clear.
