Some PAX have trouble getting down, others have trouble getting up…

Event Date

Jun 10, 2023



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Saturday Q and Chic-a-teria, great way to start the wknd



SSH’s (IC) x 25

plank for C#

Alt Shoulder Taps (IC) x 10

#22 Merkins OYO

Alarm Clocks (5 called out by PAX and where the BB name originated STK)

Alt Side Squats (IC) x 10

Abe Vigodas (IC) x 10

Reverse capri lap ending up at the tennis courts




Round 1 – regular

Round 2 – Karaoke

Round 3 – Quad-I-feel-yas

mosey to the flagpole loop

*7 of Diamonds*

do a set number of exercises at each “corner” (of the oval but looked diamond-ish on Strava)

Round 1 – 7 Burpees 

Round 2 – 14 two count (but I think everyone ended up doing four count) Flutter kicks

Round 3 – 21 Merkins

Round 4 – 28 Squats

Mosey to the rock pile

*All about the Benjamins*

grab a rock to make momma proud, all exercises with said rock

25 Curls for the Gurls OYO

25 walking lunges out

25 Squats

25 walking lunges back

25 OH Press

25 walking lunges out

25 merkins 

25 walking lunges back

return yo rock

mosey back to the launchpad, and look at that we have 6 mins to do something…


ABC’s—PAX oyo write the alphabet (as much as you know) with your legs in the sky

American Hammers – 1 min

recover recover


John 10:11

“I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.”



prayer out


-Great group and convo today which is what makes Saturday’s so fun, tho some may have tried to stretch the latter a bit…

-Little did the PAX know, or at least didn’t mention, as YHC took the Q at 0630, that nothing beyond SSH’s could be found past page 1 on the F3 exicon

-C# uses Clark’s alarm clock with him OOT this wknd

-Sonar may have threatened to Q, but his brother showed up shortly after with a wiffle ball bat to deescalate the issue 

-Fabio (as much as he runs) does not like running exercises


Pleasure to lead and be led by you fine men!
