Some Whole Body Heaven with a cinder block

This is part 2 of my VQ. Part 1 was Excelsior immediately prior. Thank you for all those who showed in support!

Rain was in the forecast, and we were mercifully spared. There was plenty of other pain in store without the rain.


Mosey over to the track for a warm up…a lot to do so we kept it short!

  • SSH 25X IC
  • Toy Soldier 10X IC
  • Dwight Schrute 10X IC
  • Slooooow Squat 10X IC

The Thang

We'll stick with the name Whole Body Heaven, even though it ended up being A LOT of shoulders…and it sounds like a John Mayer song. You'll see shades of IPC 2020 week 2.

Mosey over to get a cinder block and bring it back to the track. 

Start with Unlucky 13 of the following:

  • Thrusters
  • Alpos (IC)
  • 8 Count Burners
  • Blockees OYO / lap around the track – while half the group did the blockees, the other half did the lap. Plank if blockees were done prior to the return of our running counterparts.

Since this is Whole Body Heaven, we had to work our way down to the righteous rep count of 7… repeato above for 11 then 9 then finally 7. We substituted lawn mowers for Alpos for these rounds.

Return the blocks.

Pull ups were supposed to be part of the above, but logistics dictated that we save for later. Mosey to the park for…

  • Mericans 10X
  • Pullups 10X
  • Batmans:
    • Moroccan Night club 26X IC
    • Seal claps 26X IC
    • Overhead claps 26X IC


Running out of time…Plank and then straight into 10X Hip Dip Each Side

Recover, recover


  • 1 mile (4.5 mi for double down guys)
  • 40 Thrusters
  • 40 Alpos / Lawnmowers (well 80 since they were IC)
  • 40 8 Count Burners
  • 40 Blockees
  • 10 each pull ups / pushups
  • 26 Batman IC


  • This was pretty hard. Huuuge props to all these dudes for going to war with that cinder block. Awesome job today!
  • Props to Turnpike, Hawkeye, and Snake Eyes for the double down with Excelsior.
  • It's that time to aerate your lawn. Several PAX reminded us of this by aerating our workout with some morning gas.
  • Huge thanks to Turnpike for prompting this VQ and mentoring through the process. Also, to MQs Rooter and Tantrum for letting me take it.
  • Also a huge thanks to all 10 PAX who posted and gave encouragement. I know several of them were going to take the morning off, but changed plans especially for this. The rain, late nights at the brewery (The Force), late nights at work (Hawkeye), or injury (Frogger) couldn't stop these guys!
  • I'm also grateful to Soprano, who dragged me out 2 months ago, and to all of F3 Lake Norman for welcoming me in!
  • Prayer requests: Strength to Happy Gilmore's mother in law for her cancer diagnosis; Hope to Hawkeye and wife as the wait for results on a medical procedure; Comfort to the family's of Qbert and the friend of Hasselhoff as each of those family cope with sudden loss.

I have A LOT of room for improvement, and I'm looking forward to my next Q!