Someone say 21? Black Jack!

Event Date

Aug 06, 2016

Six strong men (including Venus, not in list) met this morning to become stronger, in more ways than one. Clubber typically does some stupid, insane, things. Hopefully, no one was let down!

Warm o Rama


IC 19 Mountain Climbers Q missed the last

IC 21 Windmills Q made up for the previous miss

IC 20 Cotton Pickers

The Thang

Snake Bear Crawl PAX line up in straight line with 3 feet in between. The 6 Bear Crawls his way, like a snake, between each man. Once he hits the front, the next 6 moves. We got 75 yards in, before Q called it.

Partner up at Australian bar, the teams complete 100 Down Unders and 100 Monkey Humpers

PAX lined up for a good old fashion sprint race. 100 yards, winner calls next workout spot, dry or in wet grass….MUAHAHAHA Q won the race

Interval session consisted of:

  • 30 seconds LBC
  • 30 seconds Merkins
  • 30 seconds LBC
  • 30 seconds Squats
  • 30 seconds High Knees
  • 1:00 SSH with 10 second rest at the ½
  • Side to side Merkins – after pushing up walk right and do another, then walk left and do another
  • Repeato on all sections for a total interval “Tabata Timer” of 9:10 each section was broken up with 5 second rest

To the wet grass for on your back work

20 IC Prisoner get ups

Mosey to rock pile for a lifting rock and set it down

Black Jack, run sideline suicides 1st is 1 Merkin next is 20LBC then, 2 Merkin and 19LBC, 3 and 18 and so on. In total 231 Merkins and 231 LBCs’

IC 10 Skull Crushers 5 regular and 5 slow count

10 Curls 5 regular and 5 slow count

10 Air Presses 5 regular and 5 slow count

1:00 minute Balls to the Wall

Mosey to Launch Pad for 6MOM


Round Robin style: All IC 10 counts, Dr. W, Flutter Kicks, Low Dolly, Box Cutters, Freddy Mercury’s, Peter Parkers


Q expected a lot of grunts, groans, and moaning this morning. He got some right of the bat with the stupid Snake Bear Crawl. Prisoner get-ups were not well received either. Black Jack was probably the dumbest thing I’ve called during any of my Qs’, however, it worked. Venus is a beast btw, non-stop and lapped everyone.

Everyone wondered about the rocks that we left sitting 20 minutes earlier, so I showed them. I heard some talk about rotating two, so I found the biggest rock from Venus and moved that amount. You’re welcome, Sir.

After the rock work the PAX thought it was Mary time, so I called them back to the wall for punishment for assuming it was time to go. We placed our balls to the wall for 1:00 minute.


Today’s pain was free, but nothing comparable to what several of our brothers are experiencing in Ashville today…Spartan. I asked the PAX to keep our guys in their thoughts and prayers: Dutch, Blaze, C#, Closer, Lightbulb, a couple from Huntersville and Hickory. If I missed you I apologize!

“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of the little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death” Leonardo da vinci