Someone tell Stumpy what to do

Event Date

Jan 22, 2020


FNG's in PAX list are Wham-o and Cookie

5:30 we gethered at the green and began our workout – as usual Stumpjumper came in hot – and was literally on two wheels.  He joined us at DUMC on his bike shortly after we got there.

It was Spackle's birthday – but I didn't realize that until I saw it on social media later in the day – Happy Birthday Brother.


Some of your favotires I'm sure – SSH, Windmill, IST, Mountian Climbers…into down dog…into calve stretches, toy soldier

Mosey to DUMC


Grab a sandbag.  YHC announced we would be carrying and not using as a weight for curls, presses, etc.  Not sure if that influenced anyone's choice – but there certainly are a variety of shapes and weights with the bags.

Line up across the parking lot facing the dumpsters at the far end.  For each set of SANDBAG SHUFFLE the instructions were:  Carry your bag across the lot from Point A to point B, drop your bag and perform an exercise, leave your bag at Point B and run back and forth from B to A and back, Pick up your bag and mosey back to point A.  Each set had 4 carries – exercises were done 20-15-10-5.  As I type this – it does seem confusing – but really it was just carry, drop, exercise, run back and forth – repeat.  Stumoty couldn't get it and the PAX needed to remind him what to do next.  He claims he was so enamored with his bag that he just never wanted to leave it.  Good to know.

Set 1 Sand Bag Shuffle – Jump Squats

Set 2 Sand Bag Shuffle – Carolina Dry Docks

Head over to the DUMC steps

Curb Kickers in cadence, dips, slow dips, one leg squats, curb kickers

Set 3 Sand Bag Shuffle – WW2 Sit-ups

Piut the bags back.  Head to the steps leading to main street.  Up the steps, left to the lot entrrance for a short lap.  Repeato, third time up the steps turn right and head for home.


We went around the circle and did 7 exercises – 

Pretzel Crunch, LBCs, Rosalitas, Heels to Heaven, Jump Squats (what?), I'm forgetting the other 2 exercises but I'm sure they were great and made everyone better.


– Great group – good chatter throughout

– Announced the Purple Heart Homes 5K coming.  Check the web for details.  Gnarly Goat is on point.

– We lifted up The Waiver in COT – he lost his father this week.

– Good crowd of runners for the revolt.  7 at Pain Lab.  Good discussion at Summit post workout.

