Someone Vanquish this humidity ! Here we go !

Event Date

Mar 14, 2016

5 Studs braved the humidity and Monday morning to hit The Vanquisher !  Apparently it was tricep day, not even realized by YHC.  55 temp and 99% humidity brang the shirt moisture and heavy breathing to match !

Joggety Jog around the back of school to then form a circle.


SSH x 25 IC

IST x 15 IC

Mericans x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 15 IC

Squat x 10 IC

Short mosey to grab a Challenging Workout Rock.

Rock Stop:

Curls x 15 IC, rock down, Karaoka about 60 yards and back

Skull Crusher x 15 IC, rock down, Quadrephelia down and back

Shoulder Press x 15 IC, rock down, Basketball Slides down and back

Curls x 15 IC, Skull Crushers x 10 IC, Shoulder Press x 10 IC, Rock Squats x 10 IC, Alternating Lunges x 10 IC (COP)

Rocks back

Mosey to Big Cement Balls in front of school.

Big Ball Burpees:

Start at cement ball closest to the road zig zagging forward and backward in between the balls like a football drill, when you get to the last Big Ball, perform 2 Burpees, run back to first ball.

Repeato to 4 – 6 – 8 – 10.  All Pax were huffing after that circuit – Phew !

Short mosey to front of school to elevated cement flower boxes.

Step ups x 15 each leg OYO

Dips x 15 IC

Incline Mericans x 10 IC

Dips x 10 IC

Decline Mericans x 10 IC

Dips x 10 IC

After 6am but still got some time for pleasure.

Impromptu 4 corners:

Jog to 1st corner, Scorpion Dry Docks x 12 single count OYO

Jog to 2nd corner, Jump Squats x 20 single count OYO

Jog to 3rd corner, Diamond Mericans x 10 single count OYO

Mosey back to front of school for MARY.


Rosalita, Freddy Mercury, LBCs, Reach & Catch, Mason Twist, & 1 min plank (counts unsure) (LOTS).

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

(1) Thanks to Blackberry for allowing me to Q The Vanquisher today !  One of those AOs where u can explore different hot spots for pain !  Get better soon brother !

(2) 9 Lives and Snake Eyes hit the run Standard prior to the main event both HCing for the BRR !  Awesome to see you out there today !  9 Lives loved the tricep work as stated with multiple Chatter !

(3) Jimmy O chose today for his test of his gimp foot from QR4 !  Didn't look like you had any issues to me.  Strong like Bull !

(4) Amoeba slid out of the darkness and into the parking lot and into our lives just in time to join us.  May have stated should have stayed in FS !

(5) 1st post for YHC since QR4.  Always a challenge to Q after an extended FS session.  Close to kotterism !

Thanks to all the F3 brothers for supporting me to keep me going !

Mayhem (in the AM)