Sometimes it all makes sense to me

Not listed in the PAX list: Twister

15 of LKN’s finest decided to show up even though there was some rain in the area.  They were rewarded when the rain stopped – and the fun began.

As we gathered there were several PAX wrapping up what appeared to be a Standard run – apologies, I didn’t get the details – other than a report from The Force that he parked at 131 and ran to The Gladiator.  #TruthNugget   If you were part of said Standard – feel free to sound off in the comments.

I planned to shamelessly lift a large portion of the workout from Soprano.  I wasn’t sure he would get to experience it, but he showed up at 5:29:30 and we were off.


PAX were asked to mosey to the fountain, listen to the disclaimer and participate in the following (all exercises in cadence):

SSH (I had no desire to put up a Gladiator-type rep count – we stopped at 25)



Toy Soldier

Cotton Picker


Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Mosey to the large parking lot and line up in two lines (or was it rows? maybe columns?)

YHC had planned for each group to run, Native American style, around ½ the parking lot and meet back where we started.  When it was pointed out that we weren’t in the middle of the lot – and one group would have to run more – I decided that we’d do figure 8’s, cover the entire lot – and have an equal run for both lines.

Mosey to the steps on Stumptown Road

People’s Chair – with 20 Air-presses IC

Partner Up – size might matter

This is what I stole from Soprano’s recent workout out Bailey Road

Partner Wheel Barrow up the steps – both perform 5 Burpees at the top.  Head back down the stairs (or embankment – reinforced the disclaimer due to the wet grass).

Flip Flop – Wheel Barrow again – followed by 5 more Burpees

Continue this until each partner had WB’d up five times – Burpees went 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 for a total of 10 trips up the steps 30 Burpees.

Back to the wall for People’s Chair and 15 Airpresses IC

Mosey to the fountain

Bear Crawl the length of the lawn and then joggy jog to the Blocks behind the dumpster.

Everyone grab a block and find your partner

Partner 1 farmer carries two blocks while Partner 2 drops for 5 mericans.

Partner 2 catches up to Partner 1 and roles are flipped.

Do this to the pull-up bars and back.

Circle up with blocks for:

High Curls, Low Curls, Full Curls, Squats, Lawn Mowers, Chest Press (yes on the wet ground – it was getting us all ready for Mary)

Return your blocks


Pretzel Crunch, W’s, Low Flutter, Dying Cockroach, Elbow Plank to the end

Recover Recover

Moist Moleskin

–          Good group of men out this fine morning.  Glad the rain held off – and that the temperature was perfect for a workout.  Thanks Travolta for the opportunity to Q.

–          The blocks at St. Mark are slowly disappearing.  Another one bit the dust today.  If you have any spares, or if you think of it next time you’re at Lowe’s – pick one or two up. 

–          Announcements – Dad’s Camp (Do it!  It’s a great time.)  Memorial Day Murph – or wherever you plan to post next Monday – have the name, rank and age of a fallen service person and where they gave the ultimate sacrifice.  This has become an Isotope tradition following Memorial Day workouts instead of the normal name-o-rama.

–          Before we bowed our heads – I tried to put into words what F3 means to me.  In short – I see you guys everywhere.  I see you at stores and restaurants.  You’re at the pool.  You are in the stands at Nothing But Net games.  I run into you when we are working.  I have spent a small fortune on F3 gear and so have you – so I easily see you from a distance.  I pull up behind you at stop lights and tailgate you on highways to see who belongs to the F3 sticker on the back of your car.  I was a guest at a recent Rotary meeting and ran into 2 PAX who are members  (to which my M said – “Of course you did.”).  My kids go to school with your 2.0’s.  You and your M’s serve as coaches and classroom volunteers.  We attend school sporting events, awards dinners and band concerts together.  We don’t arrive together – but we end up getting together while we are there.  I go to St Mark church, which has 5,500+ families – and somehow it seems more close knit to me than you would expect – because of the PAX.  Many of you sit in “my zone” at church each week.  Your 2.0’s are altar servers.  You are ushers and readers and your M’s volunteer.  It’s rare that I attend a mass that doesn’t have PAX numbering into the double digits (I admit sometimes my mind wanders and I count).  One of the true blessings in my life is volunteering as a Eucharistic Minister – giving me the privilege of serving communion a few times a month.  This past Sunday, among the dozens of people I served were 3 PAX.  Two weeks ago – I had the honor to serve Toxic’s 2.0 on the day after her First Communion.  As is the custom – she was dressed in her Communion Gown from the day before – and she looked like a princess.  The excitement and wonderment in her eyes made me reflect on my own faith with pride – and Toxic was the beaming dad next in line.  I have one job – hold up the host and say “The body of Christ” – after those two went through the line – it was tough to keep it together for the next person.  It was a great moment.   

There is a chance that I would have met a handful of you simply by doing what I do – and living where I do.  But I can only thank God that each of the situations above have been made better because my F3 brothers are there.  I am more connected, more involved and prouder of where I live because of all of you.  I have celebrated great joys and have stood by you during times of sorrow and pain.  You push me to be better – most times without ever even knowing it.  As the week of The Kotter and FNG comes up (June 5th) reach out to the guys who don’t even know that they are missing what F3 has to offer.  It’s hard to imagine if someone hadn’t done that for me.  I don’t ever take it for granted.