Son of Schweddy Blocks

Event Date

Sep 26, 2017


5 warriors arrived fearful of a double Murph.  They were pleased to not hear the first exercise of "run to the clubhouse".
They were not pleased for long.  Everyone was tested and pushed.  Everyone loves Schweddy blocks.

Warm up
20x SSH
20x Mtn climber
15x Windmill

Pkg lot fun:
High knees + mosey back (+mb)
Buttkickers +mb
Karaoke  +mb, both sides
Monkey crawl +mb
*** no one is able to touch their elbows to the ground, we'll get there…
Bear crawl + crawl bear back

Back to the back…fall off the sidewalk a little bit
Get 33# Schweddy blocks

8-minute Scheddy Blocks Circuit #1
20 WW1
20 curls
20 squats
Repeato until 8-minute timer goes off

8-minute Scheddy Blocks Circuit #2
20 WW2
20 block press
20 alternating lunges
Repeato until 8-minute timer goes off

8-minute Scheddy Blocks Circuit #3
20 Lbc
10 trifecta
*** on a recent Saturday, we did 15 trifectas here…#learnedbetter
20 side to side lunges
Repeato until 8-minute timer goes off

Blocks back
No time for Mary.  180 situp/crunches throughout the workout sufficed.

Reflection:   2 Timothy 1:6-8  Amplified
6 That is why I remind you to fan into flame the gracious gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but He has given us a spirit of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline
8 So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord or about me His prisoner, but with me take your share of suffering for the gospel; continue to preach regardless of the circumstances, in accordance with the power of God.
– Great sermon last Sunday at pursuit church that motivated my reflection today,  Fear Not.  Take a listen.
– Fear prevents us from doing things, from sharing things with others, from investing time in others, from trying.
– "Fear Not", "Do not be afraid", "Do not be dismayed", etc….over 140 times mentioned in the Bible
– His repeated comments about not be afraid tells me that it is important and can get in the way of our personal missions.
– Jordan uses the definition of fear as, "Fear is a presentation of a false reality of the future — that causes you to limit yourself in the present — in hopes of you not living out God's purpose and plans for you in the future."
– What are God's purposes and plans for you?  What fears do you have that are presenting a false reality of that future?
– The Creator of the universe can overcome that fear with faith through prayer and encouraging fellowship.
– Hit the link above if you want some more.

– T-claps to Dandelion and Shirley for coming the day after The Murph.  R-E-A-L easy to fartsack the day after TheMurph.  Nice job guys.
– T-claps to Retread.  He's been doing the Ruck thing in the neighborhood, and it's great to see him back with the pax.  
– T-claps to Tipper for an idea he has that is germinating.  Love it Bro.  Let's talk more.
–  …there's even a Panthers reference…
– Awesome to have Skipper join us from his run with Vortex at the end.  He was so(!) out of breath.  There is no doubt, they were killing it!

Great honor to lead today guys.  Amazing to see you guys push and tire yourselves out so much.  
Take that big effort into your spiritual work