Soprano’s Surprise

FNG-1 = Action (Popcorn's 2.0)

Emotions were high at Mighty Jungle today when they found out that YHC, not Soprano, would be Q. Some laughed, some cried, some gnashed their teeth. Well you're here anyways….LET'S GIT SOME


  • Parking lot lap
  • SSH 20X IC
  • ISS 10X IC
  • Dwight Schrute 10X IC
  • Windmill 7X IC (too slow, YHC got bored midway through and called it early)

The Thang

  • We started with Mary With A Bar (MWAB). This is a completely original idea and was in no way stolen from The Force. While one PAX does AMRAP 65lb barbell curl, another PAX leads the rest in a Mary exercise. Rotate around all 11 PAX.
  • Mosey to Copperhead Hill for 11s. 10 Merkins top of hill, 1 jump squat bottom of hill, 9 Merkins top, 2 jump squats bottom, etc…

We all got pretty gassed here. 10 count then slowsy over to the big brick wall.

  • People's Chair
    • Air Press
    • Touch Dem Heels
  • Praying Mantis
  • People's Chair
    • Moroccan Night Club (during People's Chair…wuh?!)
  • Rocky Balboas on the curb

Slowsy on back to the parking lot; this is where things got fun

  • YCH grabbed the football and counted off 15 parking lot lines
  • 2 PAX were chosen, a thrower and a catcher
  • Risk & Reward: The 2 PAX would bet how far they could successfully throw and catch. What lines were remaining would be how many burpees the whole group would do. For example, if they successfully completed a catch at line 10, the group would only have to do 5 burpees (15 total lines – 10 = 5). If they missed the catch, all PAX would have to do 15 Burpees.
  • Kachow and Gnarly Goat were successful at 8. Only 7 burpees.
  • The several teams dropped…resulting in God knows how many burpees. We even modified so the max penalty was 10 burpees. Oh well, it's not football season anyways.
  • Special Cameo appearance by Perrier who as at St. Mark's for a volunteer activity. Fortunately, Knockout and Perrier connected at the farthest line for a result of 0 burpees.
  • Last was YHC and Action. After a questionable throw from YHC, Action dropped it after a valiant effort. More burpees.
  • All throughout this Risk-Reward activity, we did exercises in between.

We ended with a super refreshing Gnarly Goat signature mobility moment.


  • Thank you gentlemen for taking a risk on a mystery Q this morning. As we found out during our game of Risk & Reward, taking the risk doesn't always pay off.
  • Great job Kachow for running to the workout. Good luck with your achilles and hope to see you more.
  • Great to meet Panzer and Knockout. You guys crushed it.
  • Blackbeard said some things occasionally, as he's known to do.
  • Thank you Soprano and Toxic for the opportunity to lead these fine men on this fine Saturday!